The conflict between Israel and Hamas erupted this month, and once again tore up the Chinese public opinion field, a movie about saving Jews has become the object of netizens' crusade.

Hollywood director Spelberg's classic film Schindler's list, from last Friday (October 20), a large number of Chinese netizens have been raised by a large number of Chinese netizens. The film is on the video website BilibiliThe score on the top once fell from the original 9 points to only 4.1 points.A number of new bad reviews also appeared on the Douban of the movie website.

Sindler's list tells the story of Schindler, a businessman of the Nazi Germany, saved more than a thousand Jews and made them from being slaughtered.The film released in 1993 won seven Academy Awards.

The netizens who brushed bad reviews will be aimed at the Jews, and the comments of the Sina Weibo blogger of the net name "a prism" are representative: "Do you want to have thought of the nation he saved?"A nightmare of a nation"

Some netizens even refer to Israel as the Nazis. In the official Weibo comment area of ​​the German Embassy in China, some people posted pictures of the Israeli flag and Nazi symbols.The German Embassy in China posted on Tuesday (October 24), saying that it would never be allowed to beautify the Nazi speech or use the Nazi logo in the comment area.EssenceThis response attracted more netizens' counterattacks.

For long -term friendship between the official relations between the two countries?In this, some are those who are concerned about the Middle East issues and have a criticism of Israel and sympathize with the Palestinians, but they do not rule out that some people are affected by factors outside Pakistan.

The attitude of Chinese public opinion on Israel and Jews has changed many times.During the Mao Zedong period, due to the needs of the camp, he proposed the slogan of "against Jewish reconstruction".After the Cold War, China -Israeli established diplomatic relations, and China also maintains good relations with Israel and Arab countries at the same time.

With the increase of exchanges and understanding, some Chinese people have a good opinion of Israel, affirming its spirit of struggle and military strength in the harsh geographical environment, sympathizing with the suffering of Jewish history, and admiring their achievements in various fields today.In addition, when China faced the serious threat of Islamic forces in the past few years, there were also many people standing on Israel on the Middle East issue.

However, in recent years, with the deterioration of Sino -US relations and the transformation of political trends, anti -American and anti -West voices have dominated on the Chinese Internet. American allies and countries that are close to the West have become targets.In the conflict between the Russian and Ukraine War and the Evil, although Ukraine and Israel were the attacked side at the beginning, because they were supported by Western countries, they became the object of criticism of some Chinese netizens.

Compared with simplicity, the causes of anti -Semitic are more complicated, and the dissemination of conspiracy theories cannot be removed.Due to the lack of education and practice of modern politics, some Chinese netizens tend to understand the world with the logic of conspiracy theories. They believe that global politics, finance, and media are manipulated in the hands of very few or mysterious organizations, which is often related to Jews.

In the best -selling money war, the author Song Hongbing said that the Jewish Roschild family controlled the banking system in the United States and even the world; how to evaluate the Jews?In one article, the Internet writer Lukewen said that "the Jews controlled the world's top media since World War II and used this as a pioneer today to launch an ideological attack on China."This kind of statement has a wide influence on the Chinese Internet.

Of course, Israel should be criticized on the issue of Pakistan and Israel. However, if the wave is not derived from the attitude of the Middle East issue itself, but affected by the anti -American voice and political conspiracy theory on the Internet, then, thenThought-provoking.