Wang Ruijie, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Policy, Express the "deepest condolences" to the Chinese people and Li Keqiang's family.

Wang Ruijie learned about Li Keqiang's death during his keynote speech on the way to Huiyan China Global Forum on Friday (October 27). When he opened the speech, he expressed the regret for the sudden death of Li Keqiang in Chinese."During his tenure, Mr. Li attached importance to and promoted the relationship between the two countries. Here, I expressed the deepest condolences to the Chinese people and Mr. Li's family."

Li Keqiang died in Shanghai in the early morning of Friday at the age of 68.

Wang Ruijie recalled that he recently met with Li Keqiang on May 23, 2019. Li Keqiang, then Chinese Prime Minister, met with Wang Ruijie, who visited China as the Vice Premier of Singapore and the Minister of Finance in Beijing.

At that time, the two reiterated their commitments to maintain openness and rule -based multilateral trading systems. Li Keqiang also promised that China would continue to expand opening.