As the traditional Chinese "carriage" continues to stall, Liu Yuanchun, a well -known economist in China, said that there is a new "three -driving carriage" in China, that is, basic innovation research and development, industrial upgrading, and science and technology finance.The second largest economy has built a vigorous economic base.

Liu Yuanchun, also the president of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. On Friday (October 27), in the theme discussion on the theme of "Looking for the New Trends of China Finance and Investment" at the Huayan China Global Forum on Friday (October 27).The Chinese economy may face negative factors such as decline in consumption, weakening investment, and weak expectations. "But if some elements of the new 'three -driving troiders'" will recognize the other side of China's macro economy. "

The traditional Chinese "three carriages" -investment, consumption and exports. This year, the growth is weak, and it has not met the expectations of the outside world to quickly rebound after the epidemic.

Liu Yuanchun pointed out that we must not just look at the old "three driving carriages", but also look at the new "three -driving carriage".The first new carriage is R & D, and the second one brought by R & D technology, which is converted into industrial development through business models.

Chinese officials released on September 18 this year show that China's total investment in R & D expenditure last year reached 307.82 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 576.17 billion), an increase of 282.66 billion yuan over the previous year, an increase of 10.1%.

Liu Yuanchun said that on the basis of the rapid development of R & D and innovation, the digital economy scale also reached 5.02 trillion yuan last year.At the same time, China's new energy vehicles, energy storage equipment and photovoltaic facilities have become the "new three" exports of "surprising", which means that China has realized the conversion of innovative technology to the industry.

For the last new carriage, modern finance, Liu Yuanchun believes that the key lies in China's risks of technological progress and industrial upgrading, and whether the resource allocation can reach a balance.

Liu Yuanchun said that China is currently not a simple industrial chain, but integrates with the innovation chain, capital chain and talent chain multi -chain.

Although China has achieved upgrading in technology, industry and finance, Liu Yuanchun also pointed out that the urban and rural dual system of the Chinese and rural areas has not yet completed the transformation.He said that China's upgrade lies not only in digitalization, but also in the process of transformation of dual structures into one level.

However, Liu Yuanchun remained optimistic about this. He believes that the huge farmers' groups will be transformed into huge consumption power and productivity in the future, which is the most dynamic and lowest cost of human resources in the digital era.

For the "Chinese collapse theory", which lasted more than 20 years, Liu Yuanchun, who had provided Chinese leaders, suggested changing an angle to look at the Chinese economy from a longer -term perspective. "A society has continued to improve in the upgrading of the science and technology industry.You must not underestimate ".In April 2022, Liu Yuanchun explained at the collective study meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China on the issue of China's capital development.