A real estate at Hengyang, Hunan, China hung more than ten government departments to congratulate the banner on the day of construction. Netizens asked if this was suspected of false publicity.

According to China Polar News report, netizens posted that the Lianhu Central Square of Shigu District, Hengyang City started on Thursday (October 26).The provisions of more than ten departments including the district government, the district people's congress, the district CPPCC, the district finance bureau, and the district development and reform bureaus have caused citizens to watch.

Network photos show that Hunan, China,On the day of construction on Thursday (October 26), Hengyang Lake Lake Central Plaza hung more than ten government departments congratulations.(Internet)

Some netizens questioned that the construction of a number of government departments to congratulate the banner of the real estate, whether the developer is large or suspected of false publicity and self -hype.

According to information on the official website of Hengyang City Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, the construction unit of Lianhu Central Square is Hengyang Kaixuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.The company's foreign telephone wiring staff said that the situation was not clear.

The staff of the Shigu District Party Committee told Jimu News for this matter. This is the self -funding of the enterprises involved.enterprise.Relevant staff of the Propaganda Department of the Shigu District Party Committee also said that the local area will handle the enterprises involved in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Zhao Liangshan, a senior partner and a public welfare lawyer of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm, told Jimu News that the real estate developers hung up the government department to congratulate the project.Regulations of the names or image of the staff of the government and the state organs.This behavior will be ordered by the market supervision and management department to stop publishing advertisements, and a fine of more than 1 million yuan (S $ 37,439) or above for advertisers will be stopped.

Zhao Shanzhan also said that if the government's consent of the government, the number of local government departments congratulated the projects of the project, which constitutes false propaganda.The advertisers eliminate the impact within the corresponding range, and the advertising costs are more than three times and less than five times the fine.If the cost of advertising cannot be calculated or significantly low, a fine of more than 200,000 yuan or less than 1 million yuan.