In response to military conflict between the Burmese armed organizations and government forces, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on relevant parties to stop fire as soon as possible to ensure the safety and stability of the China -Myanmar border.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Friday (October 27) that China pays great attention to Myanmar conflicts and calls on relevant parties to stop fire as soon as possible and insist on dialogue through dialogueConsultation, solve differences in a peaceful way, avoid incident upgrades, and take practical measures at the same time to ensure the security and stability of the China -Myanmar border.

According to Agence France -Presse, several ethnic minority armed organizations in northern Myanmar jointly launched an attack on the government forces on Friday.The Dyon National Liberation Army (TNLA), Arakan Army, and the Myanmar National Democratic Allied Army (MNDAA) issued a joint statement, saying they launch military operations.

It is reported that armed groups are launching an attack on 12 towns or settlements near Laun State.