Famous public health experts, the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Prevention and Control CenterThe chief expert Wu Zunyou died on October 27 at the age of 60.

According to the Economic Observation Network report, several colleagues and friends of several Wu Zunyou and friends of the Economic Observation Network confirmed the news.

Public information shows that Wu Zunyou was born in Huangshan, Anhui in June 1963. He took the college entrance examination in 1980 and was admitted to the Department of Health of Anhui Medical University. He has obtained a bachelor's and master's degree.In 1988, Wu Zunyou entered the Anhui Epidemic Prevention Station after graduation.

From 1991 to 1992, Wu Zunyou studied for public health in the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and received a master's degree. From 1992 to 1995, he studied at the University of California Los Angeles.Get a doctorate degree.

After graduating from Dr., Wu Zunyou returned to China to work in the prevention and treatment of AIDS (disease).In 2003, he participated in the "SARS" prevention and control work.In 2005, Wu Zunyou served as the director of the AIDS Prevention and Control Center of China Disease Control Diseases.In April 2017, he served as chief expert of epidemiological diseases of the China Disease Control and Prevention Center.

In early 2020, at the beginning of the outbreak of the crown disease, Wu Zunyou participated in the first -line work of the Chinese epidemic prevention and control and was familiar with the public.In January 2023, Wu Zunyou was elected as a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.