In response to the radiologist in a hospital in Wusheng, Sichuan, the child asked the child to make a chest film, and the Wu Sheng County Health and Health Bureau responded that the hospital had suspended the duty doctor.

According to Chinese media reports such as surging news, a woman posted on the Internet on Thursday (October 26) that she took the child to the hospital to make a chest film.The doctor was about 6 -year -old children. Later, the doctor entered the filming room for the women's children to shoot again.The woman questioned that the doctor did not take a goodlight.During this period, the woman saw the doctor's child kept pressing the machine at the operating counter.The woman questioned that the doctor's child would check the radioactive equipment as his own toy, which was irresponsible to the patient.

According to the WeChat public account of the WeChat public account of the Propaganda Department of the Sichuan Wusheng County Party Committee on Friday (October 27), the Wusheng County Health and Health Bureau issued a notice saying that Zhou Mou, the child, was "cough for five days and aggravated his companionship for five days."Heat for a long time", accompanied by her mother to the county people's hospital for treatment.During the checked breasts checking, the child who was duty during the period follow him into the operating room. Due to the touch of the DR machine operation button, the chest was not exposed normally.When the doctor duty discovered, it was retakened.

The announcement states that after the incident, the two chest slices that the hospital's family was worried about the problem of adverse effects on the child's body was actively explained and explained.Essence

The announcement pointed out that at present, the hospital has not allowed non -medical personnel to enter the operating room without the illegal doctor's illegal regulations. The hospital has suspended the duty doctor.The relevant responsible persons in the hospital are cooperating with the investigation. The next step will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the results of the survey.

The Wusheng County Health and Health Bureau said that it will strengthen medical quality and medical safety management, avoid re -incidents in similar incidents, and provide patients with better medical services.