(Bishkak/Beijing Comprehensive News) One week after the meeting between the heads of state and Russia, Russian Prime Minister Michase Jing said in a meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang that Russia -China comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership reached an unprecedented level.And continue to strengthen.

According to the Russian Tasis and Satellite Agency, Michase Beijing attended Wednesday (October 25) in the capital of the Government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Prime Minister) meeting with Li Qiang during the meeting of the members of the Government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.Make the above expression.

Michase Jing also said that the two countries support each other on the issues of defending fundamental interests, closely coordinate operations on multilateral platforms such as SCO and BRICS countries to jointly build a multi -polar structure of international relations.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Li Qiang said in the meeting that China -Russia cooperation is not targeted at third parties and is not disturbed by third parties. In order to benefit the people of the two countries, promote world development, and maintain fairness and justice.

China and Russia's voting in the United Nations Security Council on the 25th, rejected the United States' draft resolutions on the situation of the Baza situation.In the draft of the United States, the United States condemns all violence and hostile actions against civilians, strongly urges all parties to fully abide by international law, and especially emphasize "condemning Hamas and other terrorist groups."

Li Qiang said that China is willing to go with Russia to continuously deepen cooperation in various fields and promote the continuous and practical relationship between the two countries.He said that China is willing to further do the development strategy with Russia, maintain the growth momentum of trade and investment cooperation, deepen the energy field cooperation, and improve the level of interconnection and trade liberalization.

Li Qiang also said that more high -quality Russian products are welcome to enter China, support enterprises in the two countries to deepen car manufacturing cooperation, promote the in -depth cooperation of the industrial chain supply chain, and expand cooperation in the fields of industrial manufacturing, digital economy, and green development.

Mishusi also said that economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has developed positive, and more than 90%of the local currency is carried out. From January to September this year, the scale of trade between the two countries has increased by 27%year -on -year to 16 trillion yuan to 16 trillion yuanRubbing (about S $ 230 billion).

Russia has also increased the supply of crude oil, natural gas, coal and electricity in China, and accelerated the development of transportation and logistics routes and border infrastructure to increase Russian agricultural exports.