The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China said that from January to September this year, 10.22 million new employment nationwide.

According to CCTV, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a press conference in the third quarter of 2023 on Thursday (October 26) to introduce the progress of human resources and social security work in the first three quarters.

Chen Feng, a spokesman for the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and deputy director of the Policy Research Department, said that the employment situation has remained overall stability.In -depth implementation of employment priority policies, highlighting key groups, solidly carried out vocational skills training, continuously optimized employment services, and went all out to stabilize and expand employment.

He also said that from January to September, 10.22 million new employment in cities and towns, 3.96 million people who employed unemployed personnel, and 1.29 million people in difficulty.In September, the unemployment rate in urban survey was 5.0%.

The unemployment rate reflecting the economic situation reached a high point at 21.3%in June, causing official attention.The National Bureau of Statistics of China in mid -August, on the grounds that "the statistical work needs to be continuously improved and the statistics of labor survey also need to be further improved and optimized", it is announced that since August, the unemployment rate of urban survey of young people and other age groups will be suspended.Essence