Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang said that China is willing to further connect with Russia to further do the development strategy, maintain the growth momentum of trade and investment cooperation, and deepen the energy field.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang attended the head of the Government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Prime Minister), a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,Beijing meeting.The two met in May when Michase visited China in May.

Li Qiang told Mi Shusing Jing that China is willing to further connect with Russia to further do the development strategy, promote the connection between the "Belt and Road" and the Eurasian Economic Union, maintain the growth of trade and investment cooperation, and deepen the energy field.Improve the level of interconnection and trade liberalization.

He also said that China welcomes more high -quality Russian products to enter China and support enterprises in both countries to deepen automobile manufacturing cooperation.The two sides should jointly organize the Sino -Russian culture year and expand exchanges in education and local fields.China is willing to strengthen cooperation with Russia in the framework of the SCO, promote the in -depth cooperation of the industrial chain supply chain, expand cooperation in the fields of industrial manufacturing, digital economy, and green development, and provide new momentum for regional economic growth.

Li Qiang reiterated that China -Russia cooperation does not target third parties and is not disturbed by third parties. In order to benefit the people of the two countries, promote the development of the world, and maintain fairness and justice.China is willing to continue to deepen cooperation in various fields with Russia, and promote the continuous and deeper partnership between China and Russia's new era of comprehensive strategic collaboration.

According to the Russian satellite news agency, Masasus Jing told Li Qiang that the economic and trade cooperation between Russia and China is actively developing. At present, more than 90%of cross -border settlement of the two countries is carried out with local currency.

Michase Jing said: "The economic and trade interactions between the two countries are actively developing. More than 90%of cross -border settlement is using the local currency, using rubles and RMB."