The US White House National Security Consultant Sha Liwen will meet with the member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday (October 27).

The White House emphasized on the official website on the 25th local time that the meeting was in line with the "commitment to maintaining this strategic communication channel as part of the relationship between continuous efforts and responsibly controlling the relationship between the two countries."

Shalvin and Wang Yi met in May and September this year in Vienna, Austria and Malta.

The recent high -level interaction between China and the United States has frequently interacted. Wang Yi has launched a three -day visit to the United States from Thursday (26th). It is the highest -level Chinese diplomat who visited the United States since March 2021.

Before Wang Yi opened the visit to the United States, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized on Wednesday (25th) that China is willing to promote mutually beneficial cooperation with the United States, properly control differences, and work together to deal with global challenges.