People familiar with the matter revealed that the advanced processor of Huawei's new smartphone is produced by SMIC's use of ASML equipment.

Bloomberg Newsy (October 25) quoted people familiar with the matter and said that Huawei's chip was made with ASML immersion deep ultraviolet light carved machines with tools from other companies.It may show that the implementation of export restrictions on European companies may have been difficult to prevent China from making progress in chip manufacturing.

There was no sign that the sales of ASML violated export control.

The United States has been cooperating with Japan and the Netherlands to prevent China from obtaining the 7 -nanometer chip used by Huawei Mate 60 Pro mobile phones to show the advanced semiconductor technology, thereby achieving the purpose of curbing its scientific and technological progress and gaining military advantages.

Despite large -scale restrictions, Huawei has unexpectedly launched a new smartphone with 5G functions and cutting -edge processors in August.Bloomberg commissioned the semiconductor industry observation agency Techinsights to dismantle this phone and found that its chip was produced by SMIC, indicating that its manufacturing capacity is far beyond the technical level that the United States tries to prevent China.

This discovery throws two questions: why SMIC can create this chip and how effective the control measures led by Washington.

Investors released by ASML last week showed that the company's business increased from China this year because local chip manufacturers exported a large number of orders before the new control of 2024 in the United States.China accounts for 46%of the third quarter of ASML, while the previous quarter was 24%, and it was only 8%in the first three months of this year. Further reading: chip war: Taiwanese manufacturers help Huawei break through the United States blockade?

Does the Taiwan factory assist Huawei legal?

According to Bloomberg News, the four names of the four Taiwanese factories Chongyue Technology, the Han and Tang Dynasties integrated, Yaxiang Engineering and Silicon Ke Hongsheng are mainly used as mechanical and electrical engineering, dust -free room systems, etc.Signing cooperation with Huawei on the hardware equipment.

Paying the outside world is illegal, Taiwan's official seems to be swaying.Taiwan Economic Minister Wang Meihua initially stated that part of the four companies involved in semiconductor technology and caused discussion.The next day, Wang Meihua also said that the four companies had asked the four companies to make a statement, and stated that if the projects working in China were inconsistent with the project approved by the Taiwanese side, the maximum of NT $ 25 million can be fined in accordance with the law.

China has purchased more than 50%of chips produced worldwide

Gregory Allen, director of the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) Wadvani AI and Advanced Technology Center, analyzed to reporters that Taiwan is at the forefront of the global semiconductor industry, especially constructionAnd the operational chip factory leading the leaders, so the relevant Taiwan factory helps Huawei builds a wafer factory, even if only buildings or hardware facilities are limited to US or Taiwan law, this is not necessarily illegal ...20231019/149165.html "> Click here to read the full text