(Guangzhou Comprehensive News) After nearly 11 months of establishing a strategic partnership with the member states of the Haihe Club, China has reached a consensus with the Gulf Arab country to seek cooperation in many fields such as trade, industrial chain, and energy transformation.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the China -Sea -Haihe Society 6+1 Economic and Trade Minister Sunday (October 22) was held in Guangzhou.The Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao, the Secretary -General of the Haihe Association Budwie and Oman, and the heads of the Emirates, Balin, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait of the Sea -Hedie Council attended the meeting and spoke.

The press release stated that all parties unanimously stated that they would further strengthen the development of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the development strategy of the development of the Sea -Hemocratic Association, and deepen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of trade investment, digital economy, sustainable development, and infrastructure.

Wang Wentao said that he hopes to reach the Sino -China Shipping Free Trade Agreement as soon as possible, actively promote the operation of the Sino -China -China Co -Investment Federation, deepen the "oil and gas+" cooperation model, and solidly discuss infrastructure cooperation opportunities in the fields of ports, aviation, communication, pipelines and other fields.

He also said that it is necessary to actively promote energy transformation and continuously release clean energy such as photovoltaic, wind power, nuclear energy, and new energy vehicle industry cooperation potential such as power batteries and smart charging piles.

The first China -Gulf Arab National Cooperation Committee Summit was held in December last year. The meeting decided to establish and strengthen the strategic partnership of China Shipping.