The Ministry of Commerce of China announced that China and Australia have conducted friendly consultations on WTO and other WTO and reached proper consensus.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the Ministry of Commerce announced the above news in the form of a spokesman.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce pointed out that under the framework of China -Australia, under the framework of the World Trade Organization, it has conducted friendly consultations on WTO such as wine and wind tower, and reached a proper consensus.

The Ministry of Commerce also said that China -Australia is an important trading partner. China is willing to work with the Australian side to continue the dialogue and negotiations, and work together to jointly promote the stable and healthy development of bilateral economic and trade relations.

According to Agence France -Presse, Reuters, etc., the Australian government confirmed on Sunday (October 22) that Prime Minister Albanis will visit China from November 4th to November 7th, and with the Chinese country with the Chinese countryChairman Xi Jinping and Premier Li Qiang met.

Albanis said in a statement that he was looking forward to visiting China and welcomed the progress of the return of Australian products, including wine, to return to the Chinese market.

According to the statement, the Australian and China have reached an agreement, and China will conduct a five -month review of wine tariffs for five months.Before the review results come out, the Australian side will suspend appeal on the WTO's tariffs on wine. If the tariffs have not been canceled, the Australian side will restart the appeal.