Chinese writer Hai Yan won the Hugo Award for Best Short Novel Award for the time and space artist of the work.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Hugo Awards were announced at the 2023 Chengdu World Science Fiction Conference on Saturday (October 21). A total of 17 Hugo Awards and two types of non -Hugo Awards were selected.This is also the first time that Hugo Awards have been announced and awarded in China.

Hai Yan won the best short novel award with time and space painter, and the best short stories award was won by rabbit tests.Hai Yan has also become the third Chinese science fiction writer who won the Hugo Award after Liu Cixin, the three -body author Liu Cixin and the Beijing folding author Hao Jingfang.

Hugo Awards are the annual awards issued by Hugo Genbak, which are awarded by the World Science and Fiction Association during the World Science and Fiction Conference.The award was established in 1953.

This Hugo Award is also the Hugo Award selection with the largest number of non -English members since the establishment of the award.