China Police Sunday (October 22) reported on WeChat again that the Philippine vessels entered the neighboring waters of Renai Reef. The Chinese maritime police ship blocked the Philippine vessels without repeated shouting warnings.

The China Sea Police Station notified at 12 noon.Stop the ships broke in without permission. "

China Marine Police refers to the Philippines "Yona May May" No. 2 yacht 2 at 6:14 in the morning and in advance in China in advance in China, "I ignore my clear warning many times, with unprofessional, Dangerous ways, deliberately crossing my normally law enforcement maritime police 5203 shipwars, leading to slight scratching. "

The Chinese Maritime Police said that the Philippine Police 4409 boat was deliberately picking things at 8:13 in the morning.Touch porcelain to manufacture the incident and heat up the situation at the scene.

The China Police Department criticized the Philippine country that seriously violated the international maritime avoidance rules.

The Maritime Police Station reported earlier that the Chinese Maritime Police "stopped the Philippines in accordance with the law to transport illegal shipwars to the beach of the beach to transport illegal construction materials."

According to Agence France -Presse, the Philippine government working group stated in the statement that China Maritime Police No. 5203 launched a hazardous interception.The supply ship contracted by the Philippine Armed Forces collided.

The Philippines also said that a Chinese maritime martial arts ship collided with the Philippine coast guards that launched supply and escort tasks.

The sovereignty disputes between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea show signs of heating up.The Philippines pointed out that China has taken tough measures, including the Chinese Maritime Police and the Navy to make danger.