(Beijing Comprehensive News) According to a report from Chinese official media, the Chinese government has recently conducted investigations on Foxconn Group's key enterprises in many provinces.

The Global Times Sunday (October 22) learned from sources that the Chinese tax department recently conducted tax audit on Foxconn Group's key enterprises in Guangdong, Jiangsu and other places.On -site investigations on the situation of key enterprises.

Foxconn is a company of Taiwan Hon Hai Group and the main contract contractor of American technology giant Apple.The group currently has more than 40 parks in mainland China, and has hired millions of employees during its peak.

Chinese officials have not explained the specific time and reasons for the investigation of taxes and landing of Foxconn, and the results of the inspection have not been announced.Hon Hai Group stated: "Legal compliance is the basic principle of the Group's all over the world. We will actively cooperate with the relevant operations of relevant units."

Zhang Wensheng, deputy dean of the Taiwan Research Institute of Xiamen University, said in an interview on Friday (October 20) that the investigation was normal administration according to law, and the situation was reasonable and legal.Foxconn enterprises are obliged to actively cooperate with the inspection and investigation; if there are violations of laws and regulations, they should admit their mistakes and punishment and step up rectification.The Global Times did not clarify why Zhang Wensheng's speech was announced earlier than his report.

The Taiwan Central News Agency believes that the mainland officials are not for the first time for key Taiwanese enterprises. In the past, there were political reasons behind Taiwan companies such as Far East Group and Haifang Group.

Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai Group, was investing in Taiwan's 2024 presidential election as an independent candidate, and has announced that it has crossed the threshold for connection.The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China did not comment directly on the matter.Li Zhenghong, the president of the Mainland China Enterprise Federation, issued a statement in early September that the majority of Taiwanese businessmen believed that Guo Taiming's independent election was undoubtedly worse for Taiwan's candidates in the wild, and called on Guo Taiming to take the overall situation.

Guo Taiming has previously denied that Beijing may pressure him through his extensive business on the mainland.He also named major customers such as Apple, Tesla, Amazon, and Nvidia, saying that any discontinued production caused by political pressure will disrupt the supply chain.

According to the United Daily report, the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs stated that it will keep close contact with Hon Hai and provide assistance as according to the situation.