Japanese media quoted sources as saying that the current Japanese ambassador to China, Kurosu, will step down at the end of this year.

The Kyodo News Agency on Sunday (October 22) quoted a number of people from Japan and China.It is said that the Japanese government is currently coordinated on this matter and will make a decision at a recent cabinet meeting.

If Kim Shanxian is taking over, he will be the first Japanese ambassador to China in China to the Chinese seminar in the province of Foreign Affairs in about seven years.

Kyodo News reported that the recent Fukushima nuclear power plant nuclear waste water discharged sea, the incidents of Japanese pharmaceutical companies arrested in the crime of spy, and the contradictions around the islands of Jian Ge (China known as Diaoyu Islands), etc.The topics have made Sino -Japanese relations nervous, and the new ambassador will face difficulties.

The 64 -year -old Jin Shanxian lacks the Chinese background. After he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in 1983, he was responsible for the affairs of the United States.

It is reported that the information collection ability of Jin Shanxianzhi was well received. He was sent as a contact person in June 2018 when he was the first U.S. North Korea summit.In addition, after serving as the Japanese ambassador to Indonesia, he introduced official duties on social networking sites, etc., and vigorously publicized foreign publicity.