A spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China said that through major projects of scientific and technological innovation, we will focus on promoting basic and original technological breakthroughs such as large model algorithms and frameworks, and consolidate artificial intelligence technology bases.

According to the China News Agency, Tao Qing, spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the press conference of the National New Office on Friday (October 20) at the Press Conference of the National New Office of the operation and coordination of the operation monitoring and coordination.Intelligent development is accelerating with the deep integration of the manufacturing industry, profoundly changing the manufacturing production model and economic form, and showing a powerful empowerment effect.

According to reports, the scale of China's artificial intelligence core industry is increasing, with more than 4,400 companies, and innovative results such as smart chips, development frameworks, and universal models have continued to emerge.The coordinated development of clouds and computing, intellectuals, and supercomputing, the scale of computing power ranks second in the world, and major projects such as east counting and western calculations have been accelerated.

For the next development of artificial intelligence, Tao Qing said that through major projects of technological innovation, we must focus on promoting basic original and original technological breakthroughs such as large model algorithms and frameworks, enhance the level of intelligent chip composition, release dataValue, strengthen "root" technology research and development.

At the same time, it will also deepen the integrated application of artificial intelligence technology in the entire process of manufacturing, and greatly improve the intelligent level of all aspects of research and development, production and other aspects; promote artificial intelligence pilot demonstration, expand special application scenarios, and form real productivity.Improve the quality and efficiency of the development of the manufacturing industry.