China announced export control on graphite of key materials for electric vehicle batteries.The analysis believes that China ’s move is intended to consolidate the global advantage of Chinese electric vehicles and battery companies, and it is also a release signal in the background of the Sino -US science and technology war, indicating that there are tools to fight back.

The Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs announced on Friday (October 20) that high -sensitive graphite products that have previously implemented temporary control will be officially included in the export control list from December 1, which stipulates high purity, high strength, and high density with high density.The natural scale graphite and its products, including the artificial graphite materials and its products, as well as the natural scale graphite and its products including the ballized graphite and the expansion graphite, cannot be exported without permission.

Graphite can be processed into nuclear graphite and can be used for military affairs. Since July 2006, China has implemented temporary control on the above graphite items in accordance with China's relevant provisions of the export of nuclear supplies.

Now the temporary control adjustment is adjusted to a formal export control. A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce on Friday emphasized that if the exports meet relevant regulations for any specific country and region, they will be permitted.

China is the world's largest graphite production and exporter, accounting for more than 65%of the world's total supply, mainly exported to South Korea, Japan, the United States, and India.The artificial graphite incorporated into export control is an important material for the negative electrode of lithium battery. More than 90%of the world's power battery negative materials are produced by China.

Yu Hong, a senior researcher at the East Asia Institute of Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that graphite is also important to semiconductor and nuclear power in addition to battery materials."China's temporary control adjustment into formal control is to release signals to Europe, America, and Japan and South Korea. Do not get too tight to China, otherwise China can also control strategic materials."

The European Union launched an anti -subsidy survey of Chinese electric vehicles earlier this month. On Tuesday (October 17), the United States announced its expansion of the scope of the chip ban, greatly restricting the export of artificial intelligence chips to China.

Yu Hong said that China has the advantage of control in graphite materials. If China tighten supply, the supply and price of global batteries and electric vehicles will be under pressure."China hopes to maintain the absolute advantage of the electric vehicle supply chain, so that other countries can realize that it should not be easily decoupled."

Matsuna Matsuna, Secretary -General of Japan, said that Japan would ask about the control to China. If the measure violates the rules of the World Trade Organization, Japan will "take appropriate measures."Japan is a large country of graphite materials. Auto companies, including the public, are actively producing new energy vehicles.Europe and the United States are also actively promoting electric vehicles in order to achieve the goals of carbon emissions.

The Chinese stock market fell sharply on Friday, and the Shanghai Index fell below 3,000 points, but electric vehicles and battery -related stocks rose against the trend, and the CSI New Energy Vehicle Index rose 1.14%.Shen Meng, director of Chan Song Capital, said that the new energy industry is currently one of the few areas of growth potential. In addition to the state's clear support attitude, the relatively security of funds is higher.