Hong Kong singer Eason Chan has stepped on the sensitive nerves of many mainland Chinese netizens because he asked him to speak Mandarin at the concert.

Eason Chan held a concert in Macau last Friday (October 13). After singing, he also used Cantonese to communicate and interact with fans, but some audiences were dissatisfied.

The video circulating on the Internet showed that when Eason Chan thanked the fans on the stage, the speech was suddenly interrupted by the call of "speaking Mandarin" and "speaking in Panda" in the audience.

Eason Chan, who had always been straightforward, was silent for a few seconds, and his expression was dignified.Then, he said a word of Thai, and then said in English: "I love speaking when the way and language I want (I like to speak in the way I want and language)."As soon as this remark came out, it immediately won the applause and cheers in the audience.

Eason Chan subsequently spoken with a slightly coquettish tone and said in Mandarin: "" Trouble you to speak Mandarin ", it is better to be better." He called on the audience to apply "唔" (hard work) "please", "trouble you", etc.Express requirements in a more polite way.

Eason Chan emphasized that he is not aimed at Mandarin users. If someone asks him to speak English in the same way, he will also let the other party "shut up", "you can't understand it."He also took the late British -level rock singer David Bowie as an example to ask the audience: "If he sings here, you also ask him to speak Mandarin and Cantonese?"

This episode of less than two minutes has passed on social platforms and became a hot search topic of China Weibo.

Some netizens believe that the place where the concert was held in Macau in Cantonese as the main language, so Eason Chan said in Cantonese "there is no problem."Some netizens also pointed out: "Cantonese is a language of China, why not speak?"

But many netizens criticized that considering that the audience came from different regions, Eason Chan has the responsibility to use the language that the most audiences understand."Cantonese is just a local language, and there are so many fans in the Mainland. What happened to the Mandarin in the lectures?" Some netizens accused Eason Chan's response, despise the mainland fans, and questioned whether he was "patriotic".

The dispute between netizens once again highlighted the dispute between Puyang.Is Eason Chan's attitude towards fans too arrogant?This can indeed be discussed, but any issue in China will go online at all times, involving patriotism and not patriotism, and it is also highly debated.

China ’s argument about Mandarin and Cantonese has long been existed, and“ supporting Cantonese ”storm broke out in Guangzhou in 2010.Later, the argument rarely surfaced. It was an exception that the Douyin suspected to block the Cantonese incident last year, but the Chinese official's efforts to promote the popularization of Mandarin never stopped.Chinese citizens can speak Mandarin.

Eason Chan's incident will rise to the height of patriotism and not patriotism, but it is actually traceable.After the rise of the localization of Hong Kong, Cantonese has become a symbol of the younger generation of Hong Kong's identity.During the anti -repair case in Hong Kong in 2019, Cantonese was also a major medium that some Hong Kong youths were dissatisfied with Beijing.

In this context, it is not difficult to understand why the mainlanders insist on speaking Cantonese at the concert.

Some netizens are inconsistent for Eason Chan: Eason Chan sang Longwen in Mandarin in the Spring Festival Gala, singing a Mandarin song on the love performance held for the Wenchuan earthquake. When he claims to resist Xinjiang cotton in many European and American clothing companiesOne of the stars who cancel the contract ... Why is he not patriotic?Eason Chan recorded a lot of Mandarin songs. Did he insist on speaking Cantonese when he sang on the mainland?

There are also Guangdong netizens in a hurry: After reading so many comments, I almost thought that speaking Cantonese in Guangdong is illegal, Cantonese is our mother tongue!Let's speak Cantonese, you go online and say splitting ... Is it difficult to respect the local language in various places?

Hong Kong singer Yang Qianyi held a concert in Chongqing not long ago. Many of the Cantonese songs sang caused a chorus of the Ten Thousand People ’s Congress.The charm lies in connecting people's hearts.

Eason Chan has a song that sings like this: "Children only look forward to joy, adults only know expectations, why do n’t know how to sympathize with each other ... shall we talk?More important than hats.

Eason Chan was originally scheduled to be held in the fourth concert in Macau on Friday (October 20) and stopped, because he was unwell.It seems that the Great God and the public opinion field need to be reduced.