China Artificial Intelligence Company's Smart Spectrum AI sent a message saying that the company has obtained a total of more than 2.5 billion yuan (S $ 474 million) in financing this year. The financing participants include Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan, etc.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Securities Times reported on Friday (October 20) that Beijing Zhidu Huazhang Technology Co., Ltd. (Zhidu AI) recently announced the above news that Meituan, Ant, Ali Ali, who participated in the company's investment in the company,, Tencent, Xiaomi, Jinshan, Shunwei, BOSS direct hiring, good future, Sequoia, Gao Yan and other institutions, as well as some old shareholders including Junlian Capital.

The Smart Spectrum AI was established in 2019. It is transformed from the technical achievements of the Knowledge Engineering Laboratory of the Computer Department of Tsinghua University. It is one of the private companies that are trying to create a ChatGPT competitors.

Smart spectrum AI launched the 100 billion base dialogue model Chatglm this year, and the open source single card version model Chaatglm-6B, making researchers and personal developers fine-tuning and deployment.

The open source model of the current wisdom spectrum AI has downloaded more than 10 million times.In the field of segmentation, the company has also created the AIGC model and product matrix, including the genetic AI efficiency assistant wisdom spectrum, high -efficiency code model codex.

For this financing, Li Jiaqing, president of Junlian Capital, said that artificial intelligence technology will achieve new breakthroughs from perception intelligence to cognitive intelligence.The industry's universal platform market has huge space.

He said: "'Big Model+Big Elasticity' is a feasible path towards general artificial intelligence. In the future, the transformative AI industry infrastructure formed based on the formation of large models will change the current single model corresponding to single tasks.Artificial intelligence research and development paradigm, multi -mode and large models will become common platform technology in different fields.This will increase the difficulty of selling existing products in China or Intel in China or launching new chips to avoid rules.