A pet Rowa dog in Chengdu, Sichuan, bite the two -year -old child's incident, makes the dogs in the city focus on the focus of law enforcement agencies, and the question of how people and animals coexist again.focus.

Comprehensive Chinese media reports such as China News Network and upstream news, a girl over the age of two years (October 16) in a community in Chongzhou, Chengdu under the jurisdiction of Chengdu, the Rowalner Dog, who is unattendedBite, causing a variety of skin trace of the right kidney rupture, abdominal effusion, and chest and back. As of now, it is still in a coma. Children's ICUs at the West China Hospital of Sichuan University have been treated.

A two-year-old girl on Monday (October 16) in a community in Chongzhou, Chengdu under its jurisdiction, was bitten by an unattended Rowalner dog to seriously injury. At presentStill receiving treatment in children's ICU.The picture shows the monitoring screen when the incident.(Internet)

The Chongzhou Joint Investigation Team reported on Tuesday (October 17) that the black Rowa dogs who hurt people entered the community on the morning of the day to bite the girl.In the early morning of the next day, criminal compulsory measures were taken according to law.Xinhua News Agency quoted the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department on Wednesday (October 18) that Tang was detained criminally.

While praying to the injured girls recover as soon as possible, many Chinese netizens have launched fierce debate on how to avoid such incidents.The gentle faction believes that it should be advocated that civilized dogs, standard dog management and owners' responsibilities, and increased punishment for the pet owner of the wounded person.After the trouble.

Under the painful price of the girl's serious injury and the pressure of public opinion, China has announced the strengthening of dog breeding management, including the grass -roots law enforcement department to conduct investigation of pet dogs in the region, and the non -borne rope walking dogs and raising forbidden dog breedsPeople are punished and arrested for stray dogs.

On Weibo, Douyin, Xiaohongshu and other Chinese social media platforms, almost every relevant law enforcement department punishs violations of dog breeding or arrests stray dogs.debate.The core of the debate can be roughly summarized as an animal injury, how to deal with stray animals, and whether pet rights are guaranteed.

Who is responsible for animals?

For pets with owners, this question is very good to answer: According to the regulations of the Chinese Civil Code, the animal breeder or manager shall bear the infringement liability for the damage to others.

During the incident of injured in the wounded in Chengdu, Zhou Zhaocheng, an acting lawyer of the victim, also issued a statement saying that the case has been criminally filed by the public security organs.EssenceIn addition, they will also investigate the infringement of the community property.

However, in many plots that are not seriously injured or disturbed by the people, the grass -roots law enforcement agencies will not resort to law, but let the two sides reconcile with a "trivialization" mentality.Although this way of handling is more humane, it also leaves the impression of many people who have no fear and will not bear responsibility.

Humanity has also become the shackles of many local grass -roots departments when they implement the requirements of local dog breeding regulations.

The Rowalner dog is a large dog and weighs more than 50 kg. Due to high vigilance and offensiveness, it is often used as guards and police dogs.The Rowa Dog was designated as a banned dog breed in Mianyang, Sichuan, but was not banned in Chengdu (Internet)

Because there are no national unified regulations, the regulations of most dog breeding management are formulated by cities, and even in the province may be different: for example, the Rowa dog is designated as a banned dog breed in Mianyang, Sichuan, but Chengdu is in Chengdu, but Chengdu isNot prohibited.Therefore, although there are regulations, it is easy for the grass -roots law enforcement officers to persuade the owner to abandon the breeding dog for many years and can be raised in the next city. How can it be easy to talk about?

It is difficult to do, and the number of dog breeding is large, and the difficulty and cost of the law enforcement one by one are too high. Many times, the relevant departments have opened their eyes and close their eyes on breeding.As for the punishment of uncivilized behaviors such as not picking up manure, walking dogs and not holding ropes, due to factors such as the difficulty of supervision and the incomplete punishment, it is often false.

The loose management of the past also caused more obstacles when the official wanted to strictly implement it.For example, this week, Xi'an's community proposed to clean up for households by households and Henan law enforcement officers on the streets to arrest the banned pet French bullfighting dogs on the streets, which have aroused the dissatisfaction of many netizens.

Henan law enforcement officials arrested the banned pet French bulls on the streets, which caused many netizens to dissatisfy.(Internet)

How to deal with stray animals?

The main pet hurts the person and blames, and it is difficult to accommodate the urban stray animals.But the actual operation is almost feasible.

Therefore, once related disputes have caused attention, the treatment methods of many places in many places in China are large -scale killing of stray animals in the region.However, such a cut -cut enforcement law enforcement not only makes it difficult for animal protectors to accept it, but also makes netizens question why "a dog makes a mistake and all dogs sit."

According to the Chinese official media CCTV News reported in 2021, about 40 million people in China are bitten by cats and dogs each year, including the damage caused by stray animals.However, on the issue of the survival of stray animals and the safety of the people, it is difficult for public opinion to reach consensus.

For example, after the security of Chongqing's security at the School of Foreign Economic and Trade was arrested on Tuesday and killed a stray dog ​​in the school, a large number of students were dissatisfied, and the school also used "improper behavior during the disposal" on Friday (October 20).Because of the suspension of security.

Chongqing School of Foreign Economic and Trade students commemorate the flowers "Little Yellow" on the school.(Internet)

There was no winner in this incident: Students who lost their lives and dissatisfaction no longer trusted the school, but the suspended security was also very wronged to support the netizens who support strong control of stray animals.

In addition to students and ordinary netizens, there are also Chinese stars who are not in trouble for stray dogs.Among them, Liu Yose, who was Hong Kong's "Golden Award", posted on Weibo on Friday that "not all stray dogs are bad dogs" and called for "stop killing animals."Hilarious artHuman Yang Di also posted videos on Douyin on the same day, condemning the behavior of breeding people in the wounded incident of Chengdu Rowa, and called on everyone to "do not like but do not hurt but do not hurt."

One of the common points of the two artists is that they are also dog breeders.

Is there a guarantee for pet rights?

In addition to respect for life, in addition to respect for life, for many pets, they may also be worried about a knife -cut treatment method such as killing and killing.Essence

This is not without precedent.During the crown disease epidemic, from 2021 to 2022, from Shangrao, Jiangxi, Jiangxi, Langfang, Hebei to Metropolitan City, The event of "eliminating" and "harmless treatment" of pet cats and dogs on the grounds of epidemic prevention occur multiple times.

In addition, although it was not executed in the end, Shijiazhuang launched a required negative dogs, positive dogs and stray dogs on the grounds of preventing "black fever"./Story20220729-1297825 "Roth = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Files in the area that are completely banned for three years .

The mainstream opinion believes that the lack of animal protection law is the core cause of these chaos and the fear of more than 67 million pets in China.Since entering the 21st century, Chinese folk organizations, legal experts, and representatives of the National People's Congress have repeatedly proposed that the animal protection law covering pets and urban animals should be set up, but so far no progress has been made in relevant legislative work.

In 2009, when an expert proposed the proposal of the Animal Protection Law, the Chinese Youth Daily wrote that due to the complexity and imbalanced development of China's national conditions, the "Code Animal Protection Law should be slowed down in China"; 2023 later 2023 later, 2023 later 2023 later.In the year, when the China Environment Powers quoted legal experts to comment why animal protection law was difficult to establish, it still emphasized that it is necessary to "properly take into account the customs of all localities while conforming to the national conditions."

Although legislative protection cannot prevent the contradiction between animals and humans, countries with relevant laws often cause dissatisfaction due to the treatment of cases according to law, but for animal protection people and pets, and grass -roots law enforcement officials, if they can be able to be able to do it, if they can, they can be able to.There are upper -level laws to provide protection and guidance, and it is necessary to reduce a lot of trouble.

On the other hand, if the relevant laws and regulations cannot be perfected, it will also bring a lot of blows for the current booming pet "its economy".

The Chinese pet consumer market has flourished in recent years, and some consulting agencies expect that it may exceed the scale of RMB trillion in five years.The picture shows a pet cat on display at the Tianjin International Pet Industry Expo.(China News Agency)

According to Iri Consulting in April, the white paper was studied in 2023 Chinese pet content value. In 2022, the size of the Chinese pet consumer market was about 311.7 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 59 billion).The agency predicts that with the continuous improvement of pet family penetration and industry maturity, the pet consumer market will still maintain a growth trend in the future. It is expected that the market size in 2023 will be about 39.24 billion yuan, and it may reach 811.4 billion yuan in 2025.It is expected to exceed trillion during the year.

As China solves the problem of food and clothing and enters the well -off society in an all -round way, the number of pets has continued to increase, and people's emotional sustenance of pets has also increased day by day.However, if this group's demand for security and regular transparency cannot be valued and satisfied, I am afraid that more contradictions will be intensified in the future.