Is it still hard?The podcast series will launch two episodes a week.This week, Wang Ruijie, deputy prime minister of Singapore and Minister of Economic Policy, invited Li Guangyao: The concept of governing the country in Chapter 4 "Continuing Economic Miracle" in Singapore's survival.Review Li Guangyao's dialect speech of the National Congress of 1966 and 1976.

In 1997, Wang Ruijie, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Policy, accompanied Li Guangyao to visit China.At that time, Wang Ruijie was the chief private secretary of Li Guangyao's government, and Li Huiling, the president of the New Newspaper Media Trust, was a young journalist who went abroad with Li Guangyao for the first time.That journey that impressed the two people was that Li Guangyao was furious when he gave a speech in Suzhou Industrial Park.

Suzhou Industrial Park, which is cooperated with the governments of China and Singapore, competes with the Suzhou New District. Lee Kuan Yew feels that Suzhou's handling is not proper.

Li Huiling said: "Later, he also went to Beijing to say this to Jiang Zemin, and it was a bit of a complaint. At that time, he was not very polite.I think he is blunt. "

Wang Ruijie said that the method of dealing with Li Guangyao's handling reflects his attitude. His position is: "We don't want to start the project easily. If we want to do it, we must really do it well, so his requirements are very strict."

In addition to recalling the anecdotes of the year, is the two still talked about it?The first episode of the Podcast Series, for Lee Kuan Yew: Singapore's hard-handedness (referred to as hard theory) Chapter 4 "Continue Economic Miracle" In -depth discussion: How should Singapore maintain its own applicability?Can't Singapore have international manufacturing giants?How can the Singapore government persuade the people to continue to be open, welcome foreign talents?How will the tension between China and the United States have any impact on Singapore's attraction of top scientific research talents?

Click the bookmark in the player to jump to the corresponding chapter:

  • [01:33] Lee Kuan Yew made a thunderstorm in China
  • [05:13] What does Li Guangyao think of new China relations?
  • [16:53] What role can the small country of the projectile play?
  • [23:35] It is impossible for Singapore to bure international enterprise giants?
  • [29:37] How to convince Singaporeans to continue welcoming foreign talents?
  • [37:20] How does Sino -US relations affect the recruitment of scientific research talents?
  • [41:51] The fact that the widow of the small country cannot be changed
Is it still hard?The first episode of the Broadcasting Series was chaired by Li Huiling (left), president of the Chinese Media Group of the New Newspaper Media, and the guest was Wang Ruijie, the Vice Premier of Singapore and Minister of Economic Policy.(Photo by Guan Junwei)

Interpretation of Li Guangyao's original voice speech: Singapore's courage to survive

Is it still hard?The guest of the second episode was Cheng Hantong, a former member of the Congress.(Photo by Wang Wenzheng)

Is it still hard?The podcast series also reviewed the dialects and Chinese speeches of Lee Kuan Yew at the National Congress of the National Day.

The guest of the second episode of this week was Cheng Hantong, a former member of the parliament.He talked to the host Li Huiling about 1966 and 1976 The National Day Mass Conference, listening to how Li Guangyao advised young people to change their attitude towards life, and urged Singapore to maintain a courageous survival law.

Cheng Hantong, who served as a member of the parliament from 1997 to 2015, said that no matter when, a bumpy truth is that if you succeed, you must be hardworking.

He said: "Isn't young people worried now? Now young people have global vision. In the past, we were relatively few. Second, they also wanted to innovate ... (they must) learn new technologies.Can bear international competition. "

Click the bookmark in the player to jump to the corresponding chapter:

  • [01:38] Li Guangyao's dialect speech is great
  • [04:32] The lack of hard work and hard work in Singapore?
  • [07:49] What will Li Guangyao think of "lying down"?
  • [09:42] The rules of survival in Singapore
  • [17:08] Are you afraid of Li Guangyao?


  • Yang Yunying, the press secretary of Singapore Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew
  • Singapore National Archives

With Published with audio books , Lianhe Zaobao launched Is it hard aisle?, invited the chief private secretary, working partners and senior media people of Singapore Founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao to share and discuss his way of governing the country.