In response to the draft resolution of the UN Security Council's failure of the Harbin conflict, the Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun made an explanatory speech after the voting, saying that China was shocked and disappointed.

According to Agence France -Presse, the United States did not recognize Israel's self -defense rights in the draft of the Harbin conflict, and exercised its veto in the draft on Wednesday (October 18) on Wednesday (October 18).Can be passed.

Among the 15 member states of the United Nations Security Council, 12 votes in favor and support the draft resolution proposed by Brazil.The draft also condemned Hamas's "pointing horrible terrorist attack".

The United States is the only member country that voted against votes, and as one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, the move of the United States is equivalent to exercising the veto power.

The U.S. Permanent Representative of the United Nations Greenfield said after the voting: "The United States is disappointed with this draft because the right to self -defense of Israel is not mentioned."On behalf of Eldan thanked the United States for exercising the veto and said, "Washington is in need with us when needed."People will never make Israel more secure.Disclosure was not approved by the United Nations Security Council.

According to the official website of the Chinese Metropolitan United Nations delegation on the 18th, Zhang Jun said that the day before yesterday, Russia proposed a draft resolution, focusing on conflict and human concern, called for immediately to achieve ceasefire, protect civilians, and obtained to get the people.Many Arab countries support and mention.However, some countries chose to vote against votes. The reason for their reasons at that time was willing to take a little more time to seek consensus based on the draft resolution proposed by Brazil.

Zhang Jun said that Brazil and many members of the Security Council showed a constructive attitude and agreed to postpone the voting time 24 hours, and then postponed to now.Over the past 40 hours, they have no opinions or objections to the Pakistani draft. "This allows us to expect that they can support the draft today and the Security Council can successfully pass the resolution, but the final voting results are incredible."

Zhang Jun said that the draft resolution proposed by Brazil generally reflects the general call from the international community, represents the starting step of the Security Council to promote the ceasefire, or it may be the only case that the Security Council may reach in the current situation.Essence"Relevant countries verbally emphasize that the Security Council should take the right actions, but their voting positions make us suspect that they do not want the Security Council to take any action and do not want to really solve the problem."