Jiang Yan, deputy general manager, chief financial officer, and secretary of the board of directors, said on Wednesday (October 18), said that the sauce and chocolate are the derivative products of "wine", which is the core competitiveness of MoutaiActive attempt.As a traditional Chinese brand, Moutai must always be young and enhance the vitality of the enterprise. It is necessary to embrace the younger generation, and we must adhere to internationalization.

According to the surging news report, Jiang Yan said in an online question that Jiang Yan said that sauce latte and wine -hearted chocolate are derivatives and peripheral products of "wine".Forms, rich product supply, and active attempts to enhance Moutai's core competitiveness.

He said, Moutai revolved around the collision and taste experience of "wine+food", with an open and inclusive attitude, and cooperated with the most influential Chinese enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign companies to complete the "drinkThe ecological layout of the product matrix of eating, quality, drinking, drinking, and belt, that is, drinking Maotai wine, eating Maotai banquet, grade Moutai ice cream, drinking sauce latte, and chocolate with wine.

Jiang Yan also said that in the new era of the era, in the face of new consumption trends, as a traditional Chinese brand company, Moutai must always be young and enhance the vitality of the enterprise.It is necessary to adhere to internationalization and promote Chinese brands and Chinese culture better to the world.From the "out of the circle" Moutai ice cream to the sauce latte of "brushing circle", to the "official announcement" wine chocolate, it is the brave attempt of Moutai's "wearing new shoes, taking a new road, and a beautiful path."

Since September this year, Guizhou Maotai and Ruixing Coffee have launched the "sauce latte", and cooperated with the Masjo brand to launch wine -hearted chocolate.Deton the market.

Ding Xiongjun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Moutai Group, mentioned at the "Mao Xiaoling Jiu Jiu Chocolate" press conference on September 16 that as a traditional Chinese brand company, Maotai must always be young and enhance corporate vitality.The younger generation of embrace the "Z era".