The CEO of the US Science and Technology Giant Apple CEO Cook on Wednesday (October 18) visited the Lixun Precision Factory in Jiashan, Zhejiang, visited the Apple Watch production line.

Comprehensive Surging News and Tencent Digital Reports, Lixun Precision cooperated with Apple for the first time in 2011. In the more than ten years of cooperation with Apple, Lixun Precision has also continued to optimize the production line and established the iPhone including the iPhone.Full automatic production lines such as high -precision assembly, Apple Watch automatic optical detection, as well as smart warehouses for automatic packaging and automatic loading and unloading.

Reported that this year Apple achieved 100%carbon neutrality on the ninth -generation Apple Watch this year. Lixun Precision is also in the cooperation with Apple.Electricity, purchasing green certificates, and green energy investment to ensure that 100%of the products provided by Apple use clean energy for production.As of the end of 2022, the capacity of the roofing of the Ligen Precision Group has been nearly 55MW.

Lixun Precision also revealed for the first time in September that the company helped Apple Apple Vision PRO launched by Apple this year's WWDC.

This is Cook's visit to China again after half a year. He appeared on Monday (October 16) and appeared in the retail store in Taikoo Li, Chengdu to interact with the king's glory player.I went to the fourth primary school in Yucheng District, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province on Tuesday, and experienced creative flower window courses with students and controlled drone courses with iPad programming.

Cook visited Beijing in March of this year and delivered a speech at the official China Development High -level Forum held in China, emphasizing Apple "enjoying a symbiotic relationship with China."