China and Serbia signed a free trade agreement on Tuesday (October 17), and Serbia became the 29th free trade partner in China.

The Ministry of Commerce of China issued a press release on the official website to report the above news.

According to the press release, under the joint witness of the Chinese President Xi Jinping and Serbian President Wugic, the Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao, the Minister of Trade, the Minister of Foreign Trade, the Minister of Commerce of China and the Minister of Foreign Trade.The government signed a free trade agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

This is the first free trade agreement signed by China and Central and Eastern European countries, and it is also the 22nd Free Trade Agreement signed by China.After the agreement is signed, the two parties will perform their respective domestic procedures and promote the early implementation of the agreement.

The negotiation of the Sino -Cazcable Free Trade Agreement was launched in April 2023, and it was substantially completed at the end of September.The two parties in China and Services will achieve high levels of opening up through the Free Trade Agreement, establishing a new institutional arrangement for bilateral economic and trade cooperation, creating a more favorable, convenient, transparent, and stable business environment for enterprises of the two countries, and to promote high -quality co -construction "The Belt and Road Initiative injects new kinetic energy in the Belt and Road "and deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Seza.