Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishita on Tuesday (October 17) is dedicated to the offerings named "True" to the Yasukuni Shrine. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a negotiation to the Japanese side and urged Japan to obey and reflect on the history of aggression.Show and promise.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that the Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual tool and symbol of the Japanese militarism that launched the war of aggression against aggression. China has resolutely opposed the negative trends of the Japanese side.Fang proposed a serious negotiation.

Mao Ning also said that it urged the Japanese side to consider the statement and commitment to consider and reflect on the history of aggression, thoroughly cut with militarism, and use actual actions to trust in the Asian neighbor and the international community.

According to the report, Kishida Wenxiong was held to start a autumn routine sacrifice Yasukuni Shrine on Tuesday morning. In the name of "Cabinet Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong", it worshiped the offering called "True".

Relevant sources in Japan said that Kishida would not visit during the routine sacrifice on the 19th.Japan ’s economic regeneration is a new vineye, and the economic security guarantee is a worship on Tuesday.

It is reported that since Kishida took office in October 2021, the same practice has been adopted during the autumn and spring festival in the Yasukuni Shrine.