When a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met in Beijing with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, he called on China and Russia to deepen strategic mutual trust and consolidate traditional friendship.Lavrov said that Russian President Putin will fully discuss relations between the two countries during the meeting with Chinese officials.

The analysis of the scholars of the interviewed, energy and economic and trade cooperation are the focus of China -Russia leaders, and the two sides expected to reach substantial cooperation.

Lavrov arrived on Monday (October 16) as a member of the Russian delegation to Beijing, preparing to attend Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum .He met with Wang Yi on Monday, and Wang Yi was also the director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

According to Agence France -Presse, Putin expected to arrive in Beijing late at night.The Russian Presidential Press Secretary said on the weekend that Putin will arrange a time to talk alone with Chinese officials.This was the first time Putin left the former Soviet Union after Putin issued an arrest warrant in the International Criminal Court in March this year and after visiting Kyrgyzstan last week.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Yi and Lavrov discussed the issue of bilateral relations, coordinated strategic coordination on the cooperation under multilateral framework, andNews/China/Story20231015-1443045 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Pakistani conflict exchange opinions .The Russian satellite news agency reported on the upcoming talks of Putin and Chinese officials, and highly evaluated the Belt and Road Initiative.Both sides did not mention the situation in Russia and Ukraine.

Next year will be the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Wang Yi has called on the two countries to "plan commemorative activities, deepen strategic mutual trust, consolidate traditional friendship, and promote generation friendship."

Wang Yi also shows that China is willing to have a unity and cooperation with Russia to strengthen the unity and cooperation of SCO organizations and actively make a sound.China supports Russia's rotating BRICS chairmanship next year, and builds the BRICS mechanism as the main platform for South -South cooperation.

Lavrov said: "Needless to doubt that for various rising relationships, the leaders of our two countries will discuss it in an all -round way the day after tomorrow."

He commented on the Belt and Road Initiative as "an important part of promoting the entire Eurasian and mutually beneficial cooperation throughout Eurasia."


The outside world broke out .The position is particularly concerned.The Hamas delegation visited Russia last September, and the outside world was highly vigilant about Russia's relationship with Hamas.

Wang Yi reiterated that China has condemned all the behaviors that harm civilians and oppose any practice of violating international law.

Wang Yi emphasized that it is necessary for the United Nations Security Council to take action, and the great power should play an active role; the urgent priority is to stop the fire and promote the return of the two parties to the negotiating table to establish an emergency and humane rescue channel to prevent greater humanity disasters. The fundamental strategy isActivate the "two countries" as soon as possible.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the number of offline talks at Sino -Russian high -level talks only returned to the level before the epidemic, which has not increased significantly compared with the pre -epidemic.

Li Dazhong, a professor at the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Taiwan Tamkang University, believed that when China and Russia had a face -to -face talk, "it was proved to the outside world that China -Russia relations were still very close."

Scholars of interviewees pointed out that energy and economic and trade cooperation is the focus of China -Russia leaders.Li Mingjiang said that after the talks of Sino -Russian leaders, he generally announces substantial cooperation projects, and believes that this time is no exception.

Putin's visit to China last year, China and Russia reached a 30 -year contract. It provided 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas to China through a new pipeline in Sahalin, Russia.Reuters quoted sources reported that the people visiting China in China include the Russian Natural Gas Industry Corporation (Gazprom) and the Rosneft high -level.

As for whether China will pressure Russia on Russia, Li Dazhong has judged that there was no sign showing that Beijing has made significant progress in a third party mediation in the Russian and Ukraine War, "because this difficulty is too high."