Regarding Canada's claims to be intercepted by Chinese military planes, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the Canadian aircraft illegally invaded the Chinese airspace, and China had already raised a serious negotiation on the Canadian provocations.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Tuesday (October 17) that a CP-140 machine in Canada illegally invaded the Affiliated to Diaoyu Islands in Diaoyu Islands in the islands., Seriously violate China's sovereignty and threaten China's national security.

Mao Ning said that the Chinese army has also taken necessary disposal measures at the scene. "The truth of the facts is that the Canadian military machine is not far from the door of the Chinese home.The Canada should respect the objective facts and stop spreading false information.

Mao Ning also said that in recent years, Canadian military planes have frequently reconciled China and provoked China in recent years.However, the UN Security Council's decision has never authorized any country to deploy military strength in the sea and air in other countries to carry out military force in other countries and carry out spy reconnaissance activities.

She emphasized that China has resolutely opposed that any country is under the name of implementing resolutions and endangering China's national sovereignty and security.China urged the Canada to face up to the seriousness of the situation and immediately stop adventure and provocative behavior.

The Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair criticized on Monday that Chinese fighters intercepted a "dangerous and reckless" interception of a Canadian maritime patrol aircraft, which was "unprofessional".

The staff of Global News Television, which is equipped with this aircraft, also said that Chinese aircraft followed the international waters for a few hours with the Canadian aurora patrol aircraft. One of the Chinese planes were not from the Canadian aircraft from CanadaBy five meters.

Regarding the allegations of Canada, the Chinese official media has posted a post on Tuesday that Canada "is fighting again"; said that the Canadian Air Force was "a thief called a thief."

Sino -Canadian military planes also caused controversy due to military planes in June last year. Canada refers to the "close" Canadian anti -submarine patrol aircraft in Canada.Nearly reconnaissance and provocation.