Chinese media reported that the Ministry of Natural Resources of China has issued documents to the competent natural resources of various provinces and cities at the end of September this year.Essence

According to the Economic Observation Network reported on Tuesday (October 17), multiple sources revealed that cities such as Jinan, Nanjing, Hefei, Ningbo, Suzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an,In action, most cities will delete the upper limit of land prices in the next batch of land transfer documents.

Report also said that core cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are still studying how to adjust the bidding rules.An investment executive of a leading real estate company revealed that the cancellation of the upper limit of land prices means that in the era of high land market regression prices, the bidding rules such as shaking, competition construction, self -holding, and high standard construction plan are gradually removed.

China's economic recovery is weak, and real estate sales are not bad.In the past two years, real estate giants such as Evergrande, Country Garden and other real estate giants have been in crisis in default and further cracking down on the real estate market confidence.

Li Daokui, an economist who was a former consultant of the People's Bank of China, said last month that the Chinese real estate market may take one year to recover.