After the Harbon ceasefire decision was not approved by the Harbin -based ceasefire decision in Russia, the Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun said in an explanatory speech that the Chinese side had a great regret for the failure to reach the above resolution.It also pointed out that humanitarian issues should not be politicized, and protection of civilians should be priorities for all parties.

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on Monday (October 16) in the evening of Harbin, and voted for a draft resolution draft drafted by Russia.Because the voting did not get at least nine votes in favor, the draft was not approved.

In the 15th directors of the Security Council, China, Russia, the UAE, Gabon and Mozanbipik voted for votes; the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan voted against the votes;Discard rights.

The draft resolutions proposed by Russia called for humanitarian ceasefire, release hostages, providing humanitarian aid pipelines, and safely evacuating civilians in need.

The draft resolution also condemned the violence and terrorist behaviors against civilians, but did not name Hamas, the Palestinian radical organization of Israel on the 7th of the month.

According to a press release issued on the Monday on the official website of the Chinese Permanent Mission of the United Nations, Zhang Jun said that a new round of conflicts in Pakistan and Israel have continued to upgrade, which has led to large -scale civilian casualties and humanitarian crises.It is deeply worried about impacting regions of peace and stability.

Zhang Jun said that China condemn all the behaviors of all damaged civilians, oppose any violations of international law, support the Security Council to play a responsible role, and support all efforts to promote conflict downgrade and restore peace.Protecting civilians and relieving humanitarian crises.Based on this position, the Chinese side voted for the draft of the resolution of the voting.

In response to the current severe situation, Zhang Jun said that China has called for as soon as possible to stop the fire as soon as possible to prevent the infinite expansion of the war and avoid further deterioration of the situation; call for the international humanitarian law to ensure the safety of civilians;, Prevent more serious humanitarian disasters.

Zhang Jun also said that civilians should not be the goal of military operations, unreachable use force is unacceptable, and maintaining their own safety cannot be at the expense of innocent civilians.China supports the development of diplomatic mediation, so that the detainee person is released as soon as possible.

Zhang Jun also said that China hopes that Israel will listen to the voices of the international community, restore the supply of water, electricity and fuel for Gaza, and stop collective punishment for the people of Gaza.China also called on the international community to increase investment and support UN humanitarian institutions to continue to work in Gaza.China will provide emergency humane assistance to the Gaza Strip through the United Nations and bilateral channels.

Zhang Jun also pointed out that the Security Council assumes the primary responsibility of maintaining international peace and security, and should play a role in solving the current crisis.When the Security Council dealt with complex issues in the past, the humanitarian field has often become the starting point.The conflict is still spreading, and suffering is still continuing.The Security Council should not give up efforts.

Zhang Jun finally said that since the conflict, China has actively carried out diplomatic activities, promoted the cooling of conflicts, and actively persuaded and promoted talks.The Chinese side will always stand on the side of peace, stand on the side of justice, stand on the side of international law, and put it with the international community to add sand and fire, realize the peaceful coexistence of Pakistani, and achieve unremitting efforts in the long -term security of the Middle East.