Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday (October 16) with Egyptian Foreign Minister Shu Kaili said that he opposed and condemned all acts of harm civilians and violated international humanitarian law.It will continue to stand on the side of international morality and support the Palestinian people to restore national legitimate rights.At the same time, Wang Yi called on the United Nations Security Council to play a role in playing on fire as soon as possible.

According to the China News Agency reported on Tuesday (17th), Wang Yi said in a call that China praised Egypt to actively conduct mediation, strive to coordinate and ease the humanitarian situation of the Gaza Strip, and support the formation of Arab and Islamic countries.A consistent sound.China is willing to work with all parties to promote the restart of the "two countries" negotiations and strive to form a wider international consensus.

According to a press release in China, Shu Kaili said that the current situation in Pakistani is very critical.Egypt has highly evaluated China to adhere to principles, preside over justice, support the people of the Palestinian people to restore national legitimate rights, realize independent nations, and highly appreciate China to solve the Palestinian issue for politics, and maintain an important role in maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East.Egypt is willing to maintain close communication with China, promote the cooling of the situation, avoid continued upgrading of conflicts, and prevent the crisis from further overflowing.

The conflict of the Yaha has been in a week. Wang Yi called on Friday (October 13) to stop the fire as soon as possible, and revealed that the special envoy of the Middle East will visit the relevant regional countries in the near future. The next day (14th), he willFor the first time, the behavior of criticizing Israel has exceeded the scope of self -defense, and the collective punishment of the people of Gaza should be stopped.

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on Monday with Harbin conflict and voted on a draft resolution draft by Russia.Because the voting did not get at least nine votes in favor, the draft was not approved.

In addition, Wang Yi also said in a call with Shu Kaili that Egypt is an important partner of the “Belt and Road”. I believe that the Egyptian Fang will make a successful holding and high -quality co -construction of the “Belt and Road” to make a “Belt and Road”.Active contribution.

Shu Kaili said that the friendship of Egypt is deep and strong and powerful.He wishes the third "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum a complete success, and Egypt will continue to actively participate in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road".

Egyptian Prime Minister Madbeli arrived in Beijing on Monday afternoon and will attend the third "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum held in China.