Xia Liyan, vice chairman of the Kuomintang of Taiwan, met with Wang Huning, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on Friday.Lian Shengwen, who was also the Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang, posted that night that cross -strait relations continue to be tight. The Kuomintang must send representatives to the mainland and talk to the other side as a responsible party.? "

Lian Shengwen pointed out on his personal Facebook that the DPP's obedience, the gold master, and even the county mayor candidate made a lot of money on the mainland.The pioneer of anti -China Paulai, the person who really does things, even deliberately causing cross -strait conflicts to consolidate their own power.

Lian Shengwen questioned that during the period of the DPP's administration, cross -strait trade dependence not only did not decrease, but also far exceeded the period of the Kuomintang's ruling period to form a close lip tooth relationship between cross -strait economy.At the edge of conflicts, it has caused more pressure on Taiwan enterprises and foreign capital in Taiwan. Foreigners who may not even speak Chinese in Taiwan know that cross -strait relations have a great impact on Taiwan's security and economic development.Or can cross -strait conflict, instead can help the DPP election and consolidate the regime, and then use power to capture a lot of money benefits?

Lian Shengwen said that ordinary people, small and medium -sized enterprises, foreign capital in Taiwan, facing the pain of economic recession, reduction of orders, and even threats to war, are not something that the DPP cares.He said that cross -strait relations have continued to be tight, and various international media have reported war reports from time to time, questioning, "How can this help Taiwan attract foreign capital? Even attracting tourists? How can we encourage foreign investment in TaiwanTaiwan is a base, investing more resources, expanding business, and increasing employment opportunities? If even locals are scared, wouldn't the foreigners be more nervous? "

Lian Shengwen said, this is why the KuomintangIt is necessary to send representatives to the mainland to dialogue with the other side to solve the important factor of disputes. "Assisting Taiwanese people and Taiwanese businessmen solve problems. This is a difficult and unpleasant job.Who do we do? "