News World

Each Evergrande's former chief economist Ren Zeping encourages fertility advice, which is basically accompanied by controversy.This time, he sent the "legal marriage age to 18 years".

Ren Zeping posted on Weibo on February 5, pointing out that China's marriage rate rose from 6.7%in 2000 to 9.9%in 2013, and then decreased year by year, and the marriage rate in 2020 dropped to 5.8%.In 2013, in 2013, the number of marriage registration pairs was 13.4693 million, and it has now declined for eight consecutive years.

He believes that one of the reasons for the decline in the number of weddings is that the number of young people has declined and there are more men and women who are suitable for marriage. It is recommended to reduce the legal marriage age to 18 years, increase residential land supply, give house purchase subsidies and guarantee single women's fertilityPower, etc. to reduce the cost of marriage and the pressure of life.

The suggestion of "legal marriage age to 18 years" has stabbed the honeycomb, and related topics have been hung on the Weibo hot search list for several consecutive days. Some supporters agreed, but most of the netizens questioned.China's current legal marriage age is 22 years old and 20 years old.The age of 22 is basically the age of graduating from college. If you do not go to university, you will have accumulated about two years of work experience around the age of 20.

Netizens believe that the current legal marriage age is very scientific, so that young people have a certain social understanding, generate a certain outlook on marriage and love, and can better be responsible for marriage.The 18 -year -old is just an adult, which is the most frequent age of various impulses. In addition, there is no economic foundation, the quality of marriage will be affected.There is a message saying: "Love is nothing, and marriage is material. Unless the objective conditions improve, it is a new type of fraud at the age of 18."

Hou Hongbin, a media person, pointed out that the legal marriage age was reduced to 18 years old. Late marriage people were not affected, but women in poor areas would have a very difficult life. They may be deprived of the opportunity to continue studying and become legal backstream.Many girls in backward areas in China are now being coerced by family to get married and change gifts.If you ca n’t get a marriage certificate, your parents are still afraid; once the marriage age is reduced, a considerable part of the rural girls cannot go to college after studying in high school, and they must marry.

Reducing the legal marriage age may not necessarily increase fertility.The reasons for the decline in the number of weddings are complicated, which is closely related to the high cost of raising, high marriage costs, high social competition, and high employment pressure.To how much the legal marriage age can alleviate the initial marriage rate, it is still unknown.


causing a wide range of controversy, Ren Zeping issued a unified response, and seemed to end this discussion intentionally.He wrote that China's legal marriage age is much higher than those of countries in Europe, America, and Asia. For example, Japanese marriage age is male 18 years old, female 16 years old, and American marriage age is 18 years old.China's legal marriage age is the historical leftover of the family planning era to promote late marriage and late childbirth. Reforming the marriage age is the good government of benefiting the country and the people.Reducing the age of marriage is to repay the power to the people and expand the power of individual independent choices.

China CCTV has published on February 9th that young people are increasingly disgusted with "experts". Where is the question?The article was hung on Weibo almost all day. Although he did not name Ren Zeping, he criticized the proposition to reduce the legal marriage age.The article caused the first time to reduce the marriage age, and then the experts who wrote that some experts did not understand the living conditions of young people. Whenever a kind of "do not eat human fireworks", "stand and speak without back pain", "why not eat meat" and point out JiangshanEssence

The article pointed out that young people are the practitioners of life, knowing what kind of life is good for themselves, and "Said the Thunder" will often lead to emotional opposition.Individual experts do not worry about the feelings of young people and overlook the commercial interests. This abandonment of professional ethics has lowered the trust and expectations of the entire expert group.

In recent years, most of the suggestions of "giving birth" will cause young people to dislike.Experts are not reliable, and ordinary people really don't want to have children.In the context of the times, the choice of a new generation of people has the inevitability of social development. No matter how proposal the older generation is, it may not help.