experts pointed out that "the tide of repayment" reflects the uncertainty of China's overall economy.The expectations of home buyers are getting weaker and weaker, and the expectations of rapid economic recovery are also weakening. The overall investment behavior will adopt a more conservative and cautious way such as "repaying loans in advance".

The "border repayment of loans" last year in China has intensified since the Lunar New Year this year.Many netizens have reported that at present, they need to wait for the loan in advance for three to five months.Related topics such as "paying money than borrowing money" also appeared on Weibo hot search.

Industry analysts believe that "the tide of repayment" reflects the uncertainty of China's overall economy.The expectations of home buyers are getting weaker and weaker, and the expectations of rapid economic recovery are also weakening. The overall investment behavior will adopt a more conservative and cautious way such as "repaying loans in advance".

Comprehensive information on social platforms such as a number of media and Weibo, Xiaohongshu, etc., Chinese buyers have recently flooded to banks to apply for mortgage in advance.

Some self -media introduced how to repay the mortgage in advance and calculate the exemption."Line -up loans", "bank repayment need to wait for seven months", "young people retaliated housing repayment" and so on have become hot search topics.

The new mortgage interest rate is reduced by one of the reasons

But many lenders reported that due to the concentrated emergence of the loan repayment business, the waiting time for reservation to repay the loan in advance is long, and many banks have been waiting for at least three months.The repayment rules have been modified to limit the number of loans a year; and the bank has suspended the online appointment channel to limit the repayment place.

Zhang Xiaoduan, deputy dean of the Dede Liangxing Research Institute, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that one of the reasons for repayment of loans in advance is that the interest rate of new mortgages is reduced, which is very different from the interest rate of deposit mortgage.

"Many people will feel that the interest rate of buying a house at that time is so high.

The People's Bank of China and the China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a notice in January this year, and decided to establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the first housing loan interest rate policy.

The sales prices of newly -built commercial housing have declined in cities with a decrease of three consecutive months from the previous month and year -on -year. The lower limit of interest rate policy for the local housing loan rate can be maintained, down or down or canceled.

As of January 31, 103 cities monitored by Shell Research Institute, a total of 30 cities with the first mortgage interest rate of less than 4.1%, of which eight in the second -tier cities; the first set of mortgage interest rates fell to 3.7%of citiesThere are four.Earlier, China's first house interest rate was generally 5%to 6%.

The benefits of wealth management products are not as good as before. More people want to repay loans with leisure money

Zhang Xiaoduan analyzed that on the other hand, the previously invested wealth management products are now much worse than before. The superposition interest rate reduction and the overall housing market expectations and other factors have also prompted more people to consider using the investment of investment in advance to repay the loan in advance.

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the E -House Research Institute, told the United Morning Post that the repayment of the loan in advance is essentially similar to the previous suspension of the work.

Yan Yuejin said that the increase in the number of loans in advance, objectively impacted the bank's business order. If it is handled improperly, it will trigger new risks and contradictions in the field of mortgage loans.

In addition, it is easy to mix some fake and shoddy loan products in advance, such as operating loans and consumer loans to interfere with the order of the mortgage market.

Zhang Xiaoduan believes that although the overall economic situation has brought some psychological trauma in recent years, she believes that with the economic recovery after the epidemic.

"With a good investment direction or channel, everyone will slowly do some (other investment) actions."