The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Political and Legal Committee published a signature Zhong Zhengsheng article on Friday (February 10), which once again emphasized that it is necessary to completely eliminate the former Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, Zhou Yongkang, former Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Central Committee, and Sun Lijun, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security,The influence is further purified the political ecology of the organs.

The public account of the Central Political and Legal Committee "Changan Sword" published an article entitled an article entitled in depth to promote the specific practice of self -revolutionary strategic ideas on the political and legal front.Political hazards.

When introducing the "seven measures" part of the next step, the first measure is mentioned that it is necessary to strictly clear political discipline and political rules, thoroughly eliminate the poisoning influence of Zhou Yongkang and Sun Lijun, and further purify the authoritiesPolitical ecology.At the same time, it is necessary to timely judge the ideological dynamics of the team, and focus on solving problems such as "running" and "listing" in ideology.

In December 2014, Zhou Yongkang was expelled from the Communist Party of China and transferred to justice.In January 2015, the Central Politics and Law Work Conference proposed for the first time to thoroughly eliminate the impact of the Zhou Yongkang case.

In June 2015, Zhou Yongkang was sentenced to bribery, abuse of power, and intentionally leaking the first instance of the state secret case. Zhou Yongkang was sentenced to life imprisonment.

After more than 5 years, the "tumor" of the political and legal system appeared again.In April 2020, Sun Lijun, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, was dismissed.

Sun Lijun was inflated by the political ambitions, the political quality was extremely bad, and the outlook on performance was extremely distorted. In order to achieve personal political purposes, he did not choose a means, manipulating powerDivision and cultivation of personal forces, forming interest groups, gangs control the key department, seriously damage the party's unity and unity, and seriously endanger political security.

In September 2022, Sun Lijun was sentenced to bribery, manipulating the securities market, and illegally held the first trial of the gun case.

The article also revealed the key new direction of the next step of anti -corruption work.The first is to avoid the risk of "soft power".The full text mentioned "soft power" many times.The article pointed out that there are still 5 difficulties in the comprehensive and strict governance of the party.

The text wrote that in the eyes of some people, the Central Political and Legal Committee is a "golden signboard". Although it is not specific to handle the case and does not approve projects, it is by no means "Qingshui".

It is necessary to prevent the risk of "soft software", strengthen the movement forward, eliminate the blind spots, clean the dead ends, prevent micro -ducts, and prevent problems.

In response to the "soft power" of the Central Political and Legal Committee, the article also mentioned 2 specific work:

The risks of "soft power" and the influence of the "golden signboard" of the organs, the management link of the human property and the "eight hours" are constantly improving the internal control mechanism.

Second, the municipal social governance modernization pilot approval and acceptance of unlimited places, "lenient and strict", no "running", avoiding the risk of "software" to avoid the pilot.

Next, the Central Political and Legal Committee organ will hold the blade inward and scrape the bone to poison, making "the more stricter the backward" becomes the norm.Resolutely punish those who do not converge or be bold, and focus on investigating and dealing with major issues such as illegal intervention and use of the influence of the organs.

The article pointed out that the new pattern of all -round supervision of the entire process of the agency is being formed. We must adhere to the key person, critical time, and key things.

Among them, three key areas should be highlighted.Including the formulation of secretary supervision and management regulations, promoting self -discipline of the secretary, and strictly prevent privileges and privileges.

Strengthen daily supervision, formulate talks, strengthen secretary management supervision, regulate the management of helping staff management, and implement the implementation measures such as selling leave and public causes abroad (realm) to woven the network.

Promote the implementation of compulsory filling and information reporting of the political and legal system to achieve a must -leave marks and illegal accountability; the financial personnel of innovation institutions are centralized management, optimize personnel allocation, and prevent the risk of clean government.