Analysts interviewed believe that it will be resourceful to encourage college students to donate ejaculation, which may not only help the bad atmosphere, but also strengthen the impression that college students are better than other education levels in the society., It may also provide corruption in rent -seeking.

After the first population has increased for the first time in China in 60 years, the sperm libraries led by multiple provincial and municipal governments have recently encouraged college students to donate sperm, listing the requirements of more than 165 cm height, at least a college degree, etc.The cash subsidies ranging from RMB (the same, the same, S $ 878) to 7,000 yuan have aroused the heated discussion of Chinese netizens on the risk of the wedding of survival of the fittest and close relatives.

Analysts interviewed believe that the signs of "sporty" to encourage college students to donate sperm donation in many places seem to have a good job.This may not only promote bad atmosphere, but also strengthen the impressions of college students than other education levels in the society, but also may provide corruption in rent -seeking space.

The Human Sperm Library of Yunnan Province issued an initiative on Wednesday (February 8th), calling on Kunming to "present a love" at college students at school and actively participate in the team of sperm donation volunteers.This official sperm bank was officially operated in 2019. It is currently the only legal sperm donation institution in Yunnan. It is approved by the Yunnan Provincial Health and Health Committee and is affiliated to the first affiliated hospital of Kunming Medical University.

The initiative of the initiative lists the benefits of donations, including the male medical examination worth more than 1,000 yuan for free before donation, and can also receive a total cash subsidy of 4,500 yuan.

However, the initiative also lists the registration conditions of the donor, including more than 165 cm tall, college or above or reading, colorless blindness and hepatitis B and other genetic diseases infectious diseases.

The Shaanxi Provincial Human Sperm Studio established by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Health also issued the same initiative on Thursday, calling on Xi'an University students to donate sperm, in addition to the same free medical examination, they can also receive a reward of about 5,000 yuan.The only human sperm bank in Shaanxi Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the only human sperm bank in northwestern China also lists registration conditions, including more than 168 cm tall, age 20 to 40 years old, academic college or more or above.

Polar News quoted the staff of the human sperm bank in Shaanxi, saying that due to recent online publicity, the number of consultants is indeed more.However, due to the high requirements for sperm conditions, the volunteer pass rate does not exceed 20 %.In addition, the specimen of each volunteer can only be provided for five women.

As of now, the human sperm bank in Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong and other places has called on college students to donate sperm.

The Chinese population decreased by 850,000 last year, the first negative growth in 1961. It is expected that the Chinese labor team's shrinking and reducing demand for consumption, residential and infrastructure will be reduced.

Yang Wenzhuang, director of the Population Monitoring and Family Development Department of the National Health and Health Committee of China, recently published documents in the population and health journal, calling on China to accelerate the promotion of maternity support and encourage places to boldly innovate in reducing the cost of fertility education.

Sichuan, the province of population, has also recently released new regulations. Not only does it cancel the restrictions of marriage registration, but also no longer restricts the number of children.

Some netizens have pointed out that the official "hand has extended to the sperm library", showing that "the effect caused by population problems is more serious than imagined."Some netizens expressed concerns about the phenomenon of might be close to love, marriage, and buying sophisticated children.

Psychological consultant: If the survival of the fittest is large, the error message will be conveyed

Tan Gangqiang, director of Chongqing Concord Psychological Consulting Office, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the sperm bank has always had various ethical risks. Originally, it was only a small scale to carry out eugenics.The family has a dream of children.

Tan Gangqiang pointed out that the current publicity of publicity calling on college students to donate sperm has formed a "social movement" momentum, showing that these places are eager to make political achievements in promoting fertility.

He believes that officials should put more public resources on the environment of improving children and children for childcare families, instead of making the survival of the fittest into "large -scale"; this will not only promote bad atmosphere, but also convey to the public that the genetic genes are better.The error information may even promote the emergence of professional sperm selling. "Now (donating sperm donation) becomes large -scale and socialized, the risk of problems will be greater."