Yang Wenzhuang, Director of the Population Monitoring and Family Development Department of the National Health and Health Commission of China, has called on China to accelerate the promotion of maternity support and encourage places to boldly innovate in reducing the cost of fertility education.

According to China Surging News on Thursday (February 9), Yang Wenzhuang wrote in the population and health journal that economic burden, children care, and women's concerns about career development are still the main factors to restrict family fertility.In the final analysis, the cost of childbirth and childcare is too high.To solve the worries of the masses, we must consider various constraints, treat the right medicine, accurately apply policies, and effectively reduce the burden on the family.The fertility support policy system should be a comprehensive, three -dimensional, multi -level, and capable combination of various policy measures.

Yang Wenzhuang believes that the establishment of a fertility support policy system is a major change in population work. Work ideas, methods, and means should be actively changed according to the new situation and tasks.And institutional mechanisms, constantly improving modern population governance capabilities and levels.

Yang Wenzhuang proposed that it attaches importance to enhancing the tolerance of fertility policies, optimizing the comprehensive service of fertility and breeding, and promoting fertility friendship, child priority and family development.

He also proposed that it is necessary to encourage places to actively explore and bold innovation in reducing fertility, breeding, and education costs. At the end of the "14th Five -Year Plan" period, the family burden will be effectively reduced.Enhancement.Actively promote the establishment of a comprehensive assistance guarantee system, and do a good job of supporting care for special family family members.

The Chinese population decreased by 850,000 last year, the first negative growth since 1961.As the world's second largest economy ushered in the inflection point of population, analysis was expected earlier that Chinese labor teams will accelerate, and demand for consumption, residential and infrastructure will also decrease.