Some netizens left a message on the website of the Zhejiang Provincial Government that the water markers, one of the four famous books in China, have issues such as "vicious slander and ugly women" and "no principles to praise and kill innocent".Clear in extracurricular readings.The Education and Research Office of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education replied that the value of Water Margin literature was huge, and it was also a good carrier of critical reading, and at the same time containing rich educational value.

The above -mentioned netizen commented that the viciousness of the water margin slandering ugly women has reached the point of pointing, and the plot is extremely logical.EssenceThe message also pointed out that the author's psychology is extremely dark and perverted. He arranged for the dregs such as Wu Song, Li Yan, and Song Jiang, giving them unlimited sympathy, and praising them to kill innocent evils. They are the most poisonous novels they have seen.

The teaching and research office of the Education Department of Zhejiang Province passed through the Zhejiang Provincial Government's website "Zhejiang Province Citizen Hu Ho as a unified platform".Mr. also believes that Water Margin "contains poisonous gas and blood", which shows that the concerns and concerns of netizens make sense.

But why did the water margin income in primary and secondary schools even advocated the reading of the entire book?The teaching and research office of the Education Department explained that first, the literary value of Water Margin was huge.Water Margin is the first novel written in vernacular in Chinese history, creating a precedent of vernacular chapters.Even Mr. Liu Zaifu, he did not deny that the Water Margin was "a talented book with talented and artistic charm."Water Margin is a very grounded, most refluxing reality and human nature. Many innovations in the book are imitated by later literature.From the perspective of grammar, the book "Walking is like a soldier", the layout of the plan is very familiar, and the grass snake's gray line method is used to the fullest.Through reading, students can appreciate works from the language of text, character creation, and plot design, and improve language skills and appreciation levels.

Second, Water Margin is a good carrier for critical reading.The value orientation of Water Margin is inconsistent with modern civilization, which is an unavoidable problem to read the Water Margin.But whether to read Water Margin will cause middle school students to go astray?There is no evidence that contemporary adolescents have missed the abyss of violent crimes and have a direct causal relationship with the Water Margin.Even if you take a step back, there are too many channels to read today, but the "blocking" method alone cannot solve the fundamental problem.Only rational guidance is the key to solving problems.Compared with what you want and listening to it, let the individual of students "sneak free reading", from another perspective, is not wise to be selected into the textbook?Just as Zhang Minqiang, a professor and doctoral tutor of the School of Education and Science, South China Normal University, believes that "the content of the water margin is very valuable and should be retained in textbooks in primary and secondary schools, but the psychological development of primary and secondary school students is immature, and the teaching teachers need to be guided." We cannotBlindly emphasizing its classicity and completely ignoring the guidance of the confusion of students, nor can it be disappointed because of its "violence" and other elements. Students should let students understand the "essence" and "dross" in Chinese classical novels.Let's interpret it and interpret it to achieve "poison".

Third, the water Margin contains rich educational value, which is actually an extension of the previous two points.The Water Margin did not show a "correct" world, but a diverse world.There are all kinds of good and evil, and there are all kinds of somewhere between goodness and evil. Fantasy, forbearance, struggle, compromise, resistance ... The complexity of human nature is engraved behind the words and deeds.The rich and profound core is the reason why the Water Margin is included in the masterpieces, and it is also the fundamental reason for everyone (including primary and secondary school students).

The teaching and research office of the Education Department said that in the teaching, teachers will guide students to read stories, read characters, read the society, and read humanity through the water Margin, such as "the disorder of temples and the ideal of the rivers and lakes", "the accidental and inevitable of individuals", ""Fast and Enemies and Violence", "Water Margin women are right and wrong" and other topics. Students bring these speculative topics and carry out in -depth reading in the guidance of teachers. They can not only enter the depths of the text, but also cultivateTheir personal reading and independent thinking ability.

The teaching and research room of the Education Department finally said that reading can enrich ideas, grow talents, and promote the modernization of people's ideas. However, if you read only when reading, you have no thoughts, then reading is meaningless.Through the process of critical reading, students can effectively screen information, "stand up" to analyze the deep meaning of thinking, and read their true meaning.