The Chinese Buddhist Association on Friday (February 10) was specially incarnated to the Foguangshan President Committee, expressing the mourning of Elder Xingyun.According to the telegram, the Chinese Buddhist Association deeply remembers the sorrow and wisdom of Elder Xingyun's life. History will always remember the endless merits contributed by the elderly for the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.

According to the official website of the Chinese Buddhist Association, Master Xingyun Master of the Kaishan Mountains in Foguangshan, Taiwan last Sunday (February 5), and the Chinese Buddhist Association was specially applied to express the mourning of Elder Nebula.

Electricity said that Elder Nebula is an outstanding monk who is well -known in the world. He has a heavy solution for his lifetime, and he is not able to advance.Fate is the "Bodhisattva", which is admired and loved by four disciples in the international Buddhist community.

According to the electricity, Elder Nebula is an important advocate practitioner and promoting developers in the important advocacy of Buddhist thought on earth.The elders created the Foshan Dojo, created the Foguangshan model of Buddhism in the world, and promoted the practice, promotion, inheritance, and development of Buddhist ideas in the world in Taiwan and overseas Chinese Buddhism.Make outstanding contributions.

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Electricity said that Elder Nebula is an overseas promoter and disseminator of Chinese Han Buddhism and Chinese culture.The elder in his life adhered to the arms of the Buddha's Pudu sentient beings, and the Faju footprint spread throughout the four seas of the five continents.Essence

The Chinese Buddhist Association said in the Electric Power that they deeply remember the sadness and wisdom of Elder Xingyun's life. History will always remember that the elders are friendly exchanges on both sides of the strait, the international communication of Chinese Buddhism, and the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.Endless merit.

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Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China on Wednesday (February 8), said that Master Nebula's Gaode Rhythm and style will be remembered by compatriots on both sides of the strait.It is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.I sincerely hope that Taiwanese Buddhist circles and believers will adhere to the legacy of Master Nebula, promote cross -strait exchanges and cooperation, and help the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.