Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang Qin Gang on Friday (February 10) said when the Belgian Foreign Minister Rabib talked to the phone that China supports and encourages more than high -quality products to enter the Chinese market., Transparent, non -discriminated business environment.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Qin Gang said in the call that China -Ben is a multicultural intersection country, with different experience and wisdom of tolerance and coordination.China attaches great importance to the China -Eclab Relations. It is willing to work together to promote mutual awareness, understanding and trust, effectively respect and take care of the core interests and concerns of the other party, expand cooperation in various fields, close personnel exchanges, and promote greater development of China -Compare relations.China supports and encourages more than high -quality products to enter the Chinese market, hoping to continue to provide Chinese enterprises with fair, transparent and non -discriminated business environment.

Qin Gang said that there is no geopolitical conflict between China and the EU, and some are widely common interests.The two parties should adhere to the positioning of comprehensive strategic partnerships, adhere to mutual respect, dialogue cooperation, oppose political and trade issues, and jointly maintain the safety and smoothness of global production chain, and promote the long -term stable development of Sino -European relations.

Chinese press releases said that in the call, Rabib said that the current relationship between China is positive.For example, adhere to the pursuit of a Chinese policy, and is willing to strengthen cooperation in the fields of economic, trade, aviation and other fields, enhance the exchanges between the two countries, and promote greater development of relations between the two countries.Compared to insisting on an open economy, it does not support off -hook chains.