Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Keqiang and Cambodian Prime Minister Hongsen Visit ChinaDuring the talks, China emphasized that China attaches great importance to the development of China -Cambodia relations and is willing to continue to provide the help that can be provided to Cambodia. It also hopes that China and Cambodia will continue to support each other involving core interests and major concerns.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Keqiang said in a talks in the Great Hall of the People on Friday (February 10) in the Great Hall of the People that China supports Cambodia to follow the development path that meets its national conditions and is willing to continue to provide the Cambodian side with power.Help, realize mutual benefit and win -win.It is hoped that the two parties will take the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations to strengthen strategic communication, and continue to support each other in involving the core interests and major concerns involving each other, and deepen pragmatic cooperation in various fields.

Li Keqiang said that China is willing to speed up the procedures for losing China in Cambodia and promote more Cambodian agricultural products to lose China directly. It has also given priority to recovery and increased direct flights to and from Cambodia.

Li Keqiang emphasized that China Tongya's careful security (China -called ASEAN) is a comprehensive strategic partner related to the Communist Party of China and Xiuqi. He always regards Asian Ryan An as a priority in the surrounding diplomacy, and firmly supports the support of Asia's unity and self -improvement and the center of regional cooperation in regional cooperation.The status supports Axian to play a greater role in international and regional affairs.

He also said that during the time when Cambodia appreciated Cambodia's time as the chairman of the Asian Danan Terry, in order to promote the development of the development of China -Asian Diandan relations, he would like to promote the Chinese -Asian security strategic partnership with the Asian -Asian security noodle strategic partnership.New development, maintaining regional stability and world peace.

According to the Chinese press release, Hun Sen said in the talks that the Cambodian side firmly pursues a Chinese policy and is willing to take the 65th anniversary of the Cambodian and China Construction Council as an opportunity to promote political, production capacity, agriculture, energy, and finance with China with China., Law Enforcement Security, Humanities and other fields cooperation.Welcome more Chinese tourists to travel to Cambodia.

He also thanked China for supporting Cambodia for the President of the Asian Danan Terry, and is willing to work with China to deepen Asia's Safe and China.

Subsequently, Li Keqiang and Hun Sen jointly announced the launch of the "China -Cambodia Friendship Year" to witness the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents such as diplomacy, economic and trade, development cooperation, infrastructure, and cultural heritage protection.

On the same day, Hu Chunhua, Vice Premier of the State Council of China, and Honor attended the opening ceremony of the China -Cambodia Economic and Trade Investment Tourism Forum.

Hu Chunhua said in his speech that China is willing to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, further strengthen the development of development strategies, build a "Belt and Road" at a high quality, continue to deepen trade and investment cooperation, and continue to continueExpand humanistic tourism exchanges, further promote multilateral and regional cooperation, and promote the development of the China -Cambodia's destiny community to achieve greater development.

Hongsen said that Cambodia and China have close cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, investment, tourism and other fields.Cambodia looks forward to further deepening the development of the development strategies of the two countries, strengthen cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade, infrastructure, and tourism, and promote the development of relations between the two countries to a new level.

Hun Sen visited China on Friday and met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Diaoyutai State Guest House.

The Phnom Penh Post quoted the National Television Station of Cambodia (TVK) that Xi Jinping announced his allocation of 300 million yuan (about 58 million yuan) to Cambodia during the meeting to help the country's railway construction.

Hun Sen is the first foreign guest that Xi Jinping met after the Lunar New Year.During the first round of crown disease epidemic three years ago, Hun Sen was one of the few foreign leaders who visited Beijing during the peak of the epidemic.