) Open.On the same day, a beating incident occurred together in the Manchester City Consulate General in Manchester (Manchester City) in northwestern England.The incident has been quickly upgraded into a diplomatic storm, and it is still fermenting, and how it will end up.

Comprehensive British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the Guardian and other media reports that on the day of the incident, about 30 to 40 Hong Kong people who lived in the UK for a long time went to the Chinese Consulate General in Manchester City to demonstrate.People who are unknown came out of the consulate and conflict with the demonstrators. One of the demonstrators was dragged into the scope of the consulate and beaten.

This conflict was recorded by the people present, and the video was widely circulated on Twitter.According to the online video, when the demonstrators protested outside the consulate, a gray -haired man wearing a blue medical mask kicked and destroyed the demonstration items placed outside the consulate outside the consulate. Several of them came out of the consulate.People who are unknown also take away demonstrations.The demonstrators at the scene tried to stop them, and the two sides had physical conflicts, and the scene was instantly confused.One of the demonstrations wearing a black hat and tied a ponytail was dragged into the patchwork, and he was beaten on the ground. After seeing this, the British police brought the man out of the consulate.

A black wearing blackThe demon with a hat and a ponytail was dragged into the consulate.(Agence France -Presse)

According to reports, the beaten demonstrator named Bob Chan (Bob Chan), who moved from Hong Kong last year to the UK and applied for a BNO visa.He later said that his eyes, heads, and back had bruises, and he was sent to hospital for treatment afterwards.

The Chinese Consulate General in Manchester City responded to BBC inquiries on the day of the incident that a small port of Hong Kong independent molecules gathered outside the consulate without approval and hung the portrait of the head of state to the head of China."Strong indignation and resolute opposition", and asked the British to "ensure the safety and dignity of our consular agencies and personnel."

Battle and the beaten parties accused each other

The consulate did not disclose whether the attacker was the staff of the museum, but many netizens on Twitter were based on the film according to the film.The picture speculates that the gray -haired man wearing a mask is Zheng Xiyuan, the Consul General of Manchester City in Manchester City. Other "unknown men" who came out of the consulate were the staff of the consulate, and accused Zheng Xiyuan pulled the demonstrator's hair, and the staff of the consulate violently against the demonstrators.

However, Zheng Xi refuted the allegations on Tuesday (18th).According to the Manchester Evening News, Zheng Xi said in an interview that he said in a letter to the Manchester Police Station that the demonstrators rushed into the consulate, and the consulate personnel had to block the demonstrators from being unauthorized by the body.Invasion and attack behavior.

Zheng Xiyuan also announced the CCTV screen of the consulate that day, accusing the demonstrators attacking two consulate staff, causing them to be injured.He said that at the time, a demonstrator was holding the neck of a consulate staff, and he was always reluctant to let go. For other staff members, in order to understand the rescue, he pulled the attacked staff back to the yard. The demonstrator also followed into the consulate.

He continued, although several staff members tried to pull the demonstrators, the demonstrators continued to attack the staff of the consulate.With the assistance, the consulate was driven away from the demonstrator.

Zheng Xi acknowledged that he had appeared at the demonstration scene in the interview and "was involved in" violent scenes, but he emphasized that he and the staff of the consulate were controlling the scene and did not violence against the demonstrators.He also said that the consulate had tried to "politely" ask the demonstrator to withdraw the slogan and ironically the poster of the Chinese leader, but the demonstrators were rejected.

He criticized that the slogan and slogan of the demonstrators were "deliberate provocation and harassment" consulate staff, which violated the British public order law.

However, the cliché is accused of being an attacker Bob, but it gives another saying.Comprehensive Reuters and BBC reported that Bob held a press conference in London, UK, and several British parliamentarians on Wednesday (19th).At the meeting, he insisted that he and his companion were holding peaceful demonstrations at the time, and he never tried to enter the consulate, "I was pulled in."

He said: "At that time, I grabbed the door tightly, my hair was pulled, and I was punching and kicked. I couldn't hold it for long, and finally I was pulled into the courtyard of the consulate."

Bob said that although other demonstrators tried to pull him out of the crowd, they did not succeed until a policeman entered the consulate to rescue him.He said that his eyes, heads, necks, and the entire back had bruises. "At present, the waist bone is the most painful, and it hurts when I sit down. I also have a psychological shadow afterwards. It is difficult to fall asleep at night and there will be nightmares."

Bob on Wednesday on Wednesday reportersShow the bruise photos of his back at the meeting.(Agence France -Presse)

He recalled that he was facing the attacker at the time, so he could not "100 %" to determine whether Zheng Xiyuan was violent, but he described the "barbaric" of the relevant act.

The Manchester police have been investigating the incident. As of Friday (21st), no one has been arrested."This complicated and sensitive investigation involves many aspects," said Rob Potts, a Assistant Police Director of Great Manchester, and we will do our best to get more answers. "He also emphasized that the investigation takes time and will do it at an appropriate time.The latest news may be provided.

Even if the survey results have not been released, the diplomatic system of China and the United Kingdom has launched a fire in the air, so that the entire incident has been further upgraded to diplomatic storms.

The Sino -British diplomatic game behind the incident

The British Parliament made an emergency question on Tuesday on Tuesday.Persona Non GraTa, expels him.

The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs also summoned the Chinese Interim Office of the UK on the same day to ask the Chinese side to respect British law and give a reasonable explanation.A statement from the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it has emphasized to the Chinese side during the meeting that all diplomats and consulate staff must comply with British law.

British Foreign Minister James Cleverly accepts British WednesdayDuring the visit to the National LBC Radio, peaceful and legal protests are an important part of British culture and values. They must be respected. The beating incidents in the consulate are unacceptable.

Clever Wednesday Wednesday WedneDuring the interview, peaceful protest protests are an important part of British culture and values, and the beating incidents of consulates are unacceptable.(Reuters archives)

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, responded on Wednesday that criminals illegally entered the Chinese Consulate in Manchester City for "malicious harassment", which caused Chinese personnel to be injured and the Chinese consulate was threatened by security.He has proposed to the British solemnly to negotiate.China also requires Britain to "seriously perform its duties and take effective measures to strengthen the protection of the Chinese embassies and consulates and people."

British Foreign Minister Jesse Norman requested that if the British police confirmed that there is reason to accuse Chinese officials involved in the case, the Chinese consulate should cancel the diplomatic exemption of officials involved in the case, otherwiseDiplomatic consequences.

Norman has not further explained what the specific consequences are, but it is generally believed that officials involved will be deported.

The incident was caught in Luo Shengmen?

BBC reporter James Landale believes that although demonstrations often occur in the British embassies, it is not uncommon to follow.Someone was dragged into the consulate and beaten in the consulate.

In response to this incident, the Chinese and British governments have a considerable response.

For China, the time point of the demonstration of demonstrations is at the time of the major political conferences of the five years of the Communist Party of China.Specifically, the Chinese leader, known as the "people's leader", and the party congress held on the same day had just called on the Communist Party members to "prepare for the major test of the wind and waves and even the romer of the waves" in the report.The whole report mentioned the "struggle" 17 times.Under such political requirements, is it unbearable?

Zheng Xi emphasized in the Sky News Station on Thursday that he intervened in the incident, "That's because he (demonstrator) insults my country, my leader, I think it is my responsibility"EssenceHe also admitted that he pulled his hair.

Similarly, for the United Kingdom, this storm must be considered, it is not just the issues of law and diplomacy, but also contains domestic political factors, especially the British Prime Minister has just resigned and politics.The guys are eager to try their fists.

In any case, the time, field, and background of the entire incident may be doomed. This beating incident will inevitably participate in the political wrestling of China and Britain.