The world's first electromagnetic pushing ground super superHigh -speed test facilities- "electromagnetic sled" facilities are successfully operated in Jinan, China. The maximum advancement speed for objects of tons and above can reach 1030 kilometers per hour, creating the world's highest speed record with high -quality ultra -high -speed electromagnetic advance technology.

According to China CCTV News reported on October 20, the electromagnetic skid facilities are located in Jinan, Shandong. It is a major project for strategic cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shandong Province and Jinan.During the design and construction of electromagnetic sled facilities, the scientific research team of the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences broke through a series of key core technologies, and a number of technical indicators reached the world's leading level.

It is reported that the research and development of high -speed advanced equipment such as high -speed ground transportation and aviation aircraft must solve a series of scientific and technological issues such as air dynamics, high -strength advanced materials, and high -speed measurement and control under the process of complex dynamic dynamic process.The electromagnetic sled facilities built by electromagnetic promotion technology have outstanding advantages such as large thrust, fast response, accurate and controllable, and can provide important test methods for the solution of the above problems.

It is reported that at present, electromagnetic sled facilities can provide testing and test services to relevant Chinese domestic enterprises and research units, which is of great significance to support the continuous and rapid development of high -quality high -speed advanced equipment in China and high -speed science and technology research.