(Beijing Comprehensive News) Xu?, Xu?, Xu?, Xu?, Xu?, Xu?, Saturday (May 25) was notified to be dismissed on Saturday (May 25).

Xu? The last public event before the horse was investigated in the Hebei Provincial Tobacco Monopoor (Company) on May 14 to visit some retail customers in Shijiazhuang City and listened to the work report of the Hebei Provincial Bureau (company).

Public information shows that Xu, 60, has served in the tobacco departments in Yunnan, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places.General manager.

He has been the deputy director of the National Tobacco Monopoly in 2014 for 10 years.

On the one hand, the Chinese tobacco system is rich, and on the other hand, the government -enterprise cooperation has an absolute monopoly, and all aspects of production, circulation, and sales provide excellent opportunities./News/China/Story20240323-3206688 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> Corruption becomes a common phenomenon .Since its anti -corruption storm in 2021, more than 10 officials have been investigated.

Last October, Ling Chengxing, former director of the National Tobacco Bureau, was investigated and became the first "leader" to be investigated for more than 40 years since its establishment.According to reports, Ling Chengxing alienated public power into a tool for personal gain, "relying on smoke to smoke, collect money to collect money."