The Italian Minister of Industry Ulso called on the European Union to follow the United States on Saturday (May 25) to protect its own industry by imposing tariffs on Chinese products.

According to Reuters, Adolfo Urso said at a business conference: "If we do not want to see the European industry being destroyed, we must impose a change of Chinese products.High tariffs " The Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) earlier announced that President Biden decided to restore tariffs on hundreds of Chinese imported goods to protect the US manufacturing industry in order to improve strategic industry tariffs.

There are currently 400 Chinese products exempting tariffs in the United States.The US Trade Representative Office said on Friday (May 24) that about half of the exemptions of about half of them will no longer be continued after exposing, and tariffs must be resumed.

The United States began to implement tariffs on a large number of Chinese products during the president Trump before 2018.After taking office, Biden continued to maintain these tariffs to balance China with allies.The Biden government has recently announced that it has imposed tariffs on a series of Chinese imported goods, including electric vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic batteries, key minerals, semiconductors, etc. Among them, tariffs on electric vehicles will increase three times to 100%.

Ulso said in particular when talking about the automotive industry, the United States' significant increase in tariffs may cause China to turn exports to Europe, thereby damage to the European Union industry.