Hong Kong will hold more than 100 grand events in different fields in the second half of this year. Yang Runxiong, director of the Hong Kong Culture, Sports and Tourism Administration, said that the event includes different natures such as exhibitions, business transactions, and fireworks shows. IfOnly a certain type of event is held, which is not in line with Hong Kong's open and diverse positioning.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily Newspaper and Radio Hong Kong reported that the Hong Kong event annual watch released by the Hong Kong government shows that more than 100 events covering more than 100 games will be held in the second half of the year.The participation of Wan Passengers brought about 7.2 billion yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same, S $ 1.24 billion) in Hong Kong, and the economic increase was about 4.3 billion yuan.

Yang Runxiong said in the radio program on Saturday (May 25) that the event includes a heavy business event such as meetings, exhibitions and business transactions, as well as festivals such as fireworks show.He believes that, as a capital capital, Hong Kong must hold different types of events to attract passengers of different interests. If only a certain type of event is held, it will not be in line with Hong Kong's diversified positioning.

Yang Runxiong said that Hong Kong, as the Asian financial center, organized relevant meetings to attract well -known financial experts to come. It is a symbol of status. At the same time, business guests are still high consumer people, which can drive hotels, catering and other consumption.

When asked about whether the expected event brought about whether the consumption of about 7.2 billion yuan in Hong Kong was low, Yang Runxiong said that each event attracts different passengers, and many passengers are not alone to come to Hong Kong.There are other items, including in -depth tour or concerts, and are not listed in the list of events.He added that the number of related numbers is only estimated, and the additional consumption driven by the event cannot be estimated.

He also said that many mainland customers may not spend the night when visiting Hong Kong, and the per capita consumption is low, but he believes that the consumption will always increase and have confidence in the future development of Hong Kong tourism.

For the concept of "Hong Kong everywhere" proposed by Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Office of the State Council of China, Yang Runxiong believes that Hong Kong is "all treasures everywhere". There are many places worthy of travel and excavation.The excavated attractions? It is also necessary to consider supporting, transportation and regional tolerance, etc., and also cooperate with publicity.

He said that there are many beautiful islands in Hong Kong, and the island tour is one of the directions.The Cultural and Tourism Bureau will also carry out polite movements. It is hoped that the people will show the "good customers" and the industry in all walks of life to treat guests, so that guests will feel the guests.

For the Hong Kong Government ’s Hong Kong -produced film, some movie scenes of the siege of the Kowloon City Hall of the Hong Kong Government to check in with tourists in the surrounding cities of the Kowloon City, Yang Runxiong said that the government will contact relevant persons to seek cooperation space and study whether they can make long -term exhibitions.However, he pointed out that some scenarios have been disassembled, so it is difficult to reset the scene.The government is conceived with the crew to use the technology such as augmented reality (AR) to allow the entry to visit in a mixed mode.