Deng Bingqiang, Director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, criticized some Western politicians on Monday (March 25) on Monday (March 25) on the legislation of the Basic Law to obtain righteousness and conduct malicious criticism in the Western attempt to blur the character and two -system characters in Hong Kong.change.

Comprehensive Hong Kong 01 and Sing Tao Daily reported that Deng Bingqiang said on the Xingcheng Radio program in Hong Kong that if a country wants to close the local economic and trade office in Hong Kong, the interests of related countries are damaged.The decision is because the role of economic and trade offices is to promote economic and trade exchanges. In fact, both parties are good.

The US House of Representatives Overseas Committee promoted the Certification Act of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in November last year.The bill will require the administrative department to re -evaluate whether the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in the United States should continue to enjoy special diplomatic treatment and exemption.If the Secretary of State's certification of the three Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Washington, New York and San Francisco should no longer continue to enjoy these diplomatic treatment, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office will stop operating within 180 days.

Lin Dingguo, the director of the Law Department, was asked on the new city radio program that he would worry about whether the West would impose a new round of sanctions on Hong Kong.Lin Dingguo replied that the government has a response plan and should not disclose specific details, and said that it is not surprising that foreign politicians are unique.

After the Hong Kong Legislative Council has passed the draft of the National Security Regulations on the draft legislation of the Basic Law earlier, the outside world paid attention to whether this would cause a new round of sanctions against Hong Kong in Europe and the United States.It is reported that the political figures of the establishment faction have been prepared for sanctions, including arranging assets and avoiding the United States in the short term.

As for the Hong Kong media quoted 23 foreign criticisms, whether it is committed to the law, Lin Dingguo said in response that journalists who work sincerely do not need to worry about it. The media reports that the West's unfriendly words and deeds in Hong Kong can let the society understand the situation and maintain the situation and keep it.Alert, effective response, and encouraging the press in the press to report fairly and fairly on the outside world's views on Hong Kong.